⭐ Chapter 20 ~ Sass Guns

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Chapter 20 ~ Sass Guns

"Come on Alexa, you can do it!" Jessie yelled from afar.

Sigh, don't you just adore that inner optimism that breathes to cheer you on! More so when it's encouraging words to turn into truth.

Lining up the ball, I paced a few steps back and with a deep breath, I lunged at the ball and with all my might, kicked it.

The ball flew through the air to brush past Jessie's fingertips, hitting the net, earning me another goal.

"GOAL!" Jessie cheered and ran up to me. I could not help but grin from ear to ear as came with his hand raised, an invitation for a high-five.

"That was beyond awesome!" He cheered as we clasped hands.

"I have never been able to score a goal from that far before." I puffed out, laughing as I pulled away.

"I think we're ready for tomorrow, don't you?" He grinned at me.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Pfft, it would a crime if we weren't."

"God!" I gasped after taking a swing at my water bottle and flopped onto the grass below to gaze at the sky, "I'm exhausted"

He grinned and to my surprise, lay right next to me. "Yeah, but it's worth it if we're to make the team"

We spent every possible available hour on practicing soccer in the afternoons when school finished. We would accompany James to the cafe, grab a bite and head off towards the park close to the café, for a gruelling session of strategy.

All in all, it was one hectic week. I had no idea what was in store for us at the tryouts tomorrow afternoon but at this point, I was far too exhausted to care.

The rest of our afternoon was spent lying lazily on the grass soaking up the sun, occasionally we would even get up for a few kicks and as the sun began to descend, the vibrant blues began to tint with hues of pink spread vastly across the sky.

It was pretty relaxing with the beautiful colours high above us. At least, until my Kim Possible ringtone started echoing through the otherwise empty park.

It was my Mother, she always had an adequate sense of timing, especially when it came to issues revolving around when I would be returning home. Mother didn't know I was practicing for soccer. She believed that I was at the library with James, 'studying'.

"She sounds a bit mad." I winced after I hung up. My ear was still ringing with the deafening screech that was my mother's voice.

"Does that mean you have to go now?" He pouted.

"My mother will have my head on a spike if I'm late again." I sighed recalling how I had gotten far too engrossed in our match that by the time I got a peek at my watch it was well over 9 pm.

I was beyond late according to my mother and let's just say she was far from happy; she even pulled an oldie and refrained from giving me any dinner.

Luckily, I just happen to be friends with the head chef.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He offered as we started packing our things up.

"Nah, it's fine, our houses are miles off."

He paused to look at me before he laughed. I looked at him strangely before he questioned, "How do you know where I live?"

Oh great. Now he probably thinks that I'm a grade A stalker. Just perfect.

"Oh! I didn't mean I was stalking you or anything! James told me where he used to live so I assumed since you were childhood friends, you would've lived in the same neighbourhood." I kinda rushed out. 

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