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She awoke to rattling of keys and a dirty floor with no bed. She scanned her surroundings and came to the conclusion that she was kidnapped. Five questions came to mind. Why? When? Where? How? Who? She had answers to a few but craved the rest.

It was obvious that she had been taken when she passed out at the hills peak. She looked up when a small clank broke her thoughts and a furry pink cat walked in with a tray. He placed it down in front of the girl and turned sharply to leave. He left leaving his ginormous footprints engrained into the floor. Yazmin had seen his species before on the planet Kaur whilst saving a race known as the Chanani. He was a Pohl and she was quite certain of it but her food confirmed this theory.

Black goo had been served on a metal platter and that was one of the staples on Kaur. The Doctor had made The Fam try a few restaurants throughout that galaxy and Yaz chuckled at the thought of Ryan gagging at the sight of goo. She sharply remembered where she was and how much she needed her doctor to come save her. How long had it been since she had gone on the walk if they were serving her food?

The Doctor awoke in her bed with the stains of last night's talk with River still remanent. She hoped Ryan and Yaz were still asleep so she wouldn't have to talk to them but when she got to the console she saw Ryan on the steps with something in his hand. A note? Curiosity got the better of her and she gradually walked over and sat down next to the boy. He looked up at her with fear and concern. That worried her the most. That glint in his eyes that made him appear on the verge of tears but had already convinced himself he wouldn't.

"Ryan what's wrong? Where's Yaz?"

Her concern was only growing by the moment as her eyes darted around the room looking for her beloved companion.

"Doc I heard her walking around last night but I couldn't find her this morning and now this."

"Ryan what are you on about, I saw her last night."

Admittedly she had ran off on her and hadn't seen her since. She also heard the TARDIS doors open last night but had chalked it up to the old girl wanting some fresh air.

"She might be at her mum's? Have you tried calling her yet Ryan?"

"Of course I did. I called Nadja and she said that they hadn't seen her since we all last visited months ago and that we should really pop around sometime."

"Tea at Yaz's get in."

"DOCTOR! We can't go and have tea at Yaz's WITHOUT YAZ!"

"Yeah you're probably right Ryan. Nadja might ask questions about where she is. Now gimme your phone so I can track hers."

"NO WAY! I'm not losing all my stuff again it took ages to get it back last time. Use your own phone."

"I can't."

"Why not though?"

"I don't have Yaz's number."

How does she expect to go out with Yaz if she didn't even have her number. Like that's actually embarrassing, even I have Yaz's number.

"Give me your phone. I'll put her number in it, I'm sure she won't mind."

Her case was a baby blue and covered with pictures of strangers and a few of us which was nice. Yaz would find the one of her and The Doctor adorable but she wasn't here.

"Thankyou Ryan."

"I put mine in there too seeing as you didn't have it. Make sure to give us nice contact photos. I also put hearts next to Yaz's name so you wouldn't have to do it later."

"What on Earth are you on about Ryan."

She was holding her sonic up to the phone now and clearly wasn't paying attention so now was my chance to ask.

"Doctor do you like Yaz or not?"

"Of course I like Yaz."

"I should have worded it better. Do you fancy Yazmin Khan?"

At me saying Yaz's full name The Doctor seemed to freeze. She put her sonic down and her phone beside it neatly and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Ryan that's such a stupid question. Do I fancy Yaz. I expected differently from you."

"You still haven't answered my question. It's okay if you do I won't tell her. Promise."


"Yes. Now tell me. I'm dying to know."

"Ryan she's- god she's so perfect. I don't like her Ryan. I love her. I love Yazmin Khan. Her eyes are like little pools I would die to get lost in. Her hair looks so smooth and shiny. She's always there when I need her even when I push her away. I've been so mean out of fear because I don't want to lose her. And now I've gone and done that haven't I. First River now Yaz."



"YEAH BACK! Oh shit I wasn't meant to say that was I? Also who's River?"

"That my friend is a LONG story."

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