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TW:Suicide mentions & Self Harm mentions.

The girls fell asleep wrapped in both each other's arms and emotions. When Ryan brought Sonya back to The TARDIS they saw the pair wrapped up in each other for dear life. They were closer than usual so Ryan and Sonya both took a photo, Sonya added it to her favourites and Ryan being the absolute genius he is sent it to the groupchat with the girls and his late grandfather in it.

He pulled a blanket over them and walked hand in hand with Sonya back to his room.

The Doctor had a peaceful dream that night. One filled with love and beauty for Yasmin and the infinite universe they found themselves stuck in.
Her mind's need for threats dulled by Yaz's warmth and love.

Yaz had a less than peaceful dream however, The Master and his new companion featured killing her beloved families both The Khan's and Her TARDIS Fam. Everyone she had ever loved gone. The girl she wanted to spend forever with gone just like that. Her best friend that was probably shagging her sister gone. Her parents and only sister gone. She couldn't cope. She couldn't decide between her own death and revenge for her beloved.

He couldn't get away with this. Not this time. From the stories The Doctor had told Yaz she knew how many lives had already been lost to the so called master of evil. Yaz would make sure that no new names would be added to that list. She had to it would be her penance for not stopping him in time to save her family.

She raced to the console and set it up to take herself back to the Victorian era where The Doctor had friends. She remembered because late one night she had been in the kitchen and The Doctor wanted a snack to bring to her friends. Yaz had been more than confused at the time but now that she needed a gang of people she could trust. She landed just outside what The Doctor liked to call The Paternoster Gang. Why she couldn't just call them The Flint's and Strax, Yasmin had no idea.

Yaz knew she couldn't let what happened to her family happen to anymore in the universe. If she could, she was going to get her impossible timelord back while she was at it.

She she climbed the steps and knocked on the door to the massive house. The door opened with a heavy creaking sound. A small potato looking man and a friendly looking woman were standing there awaiting a word out of Yaz. Her throat was stinging and burning with the days of coming to grips with what happened. She just stood there with who she presumed as Jenny and Strax questioning her very existence until Strax poked his eager head around the frightened girl. The TARDIS was standing there in the early morning sun. Placing the pieces together he gave the boy a hug. Jenny knew something was off because Strax doesn't hug people ever.

They brought the girl inside and moved The TARDIS somewhere no one would find it borrowing Yaz's key to lock it. Jenny went and got her Silurian wife and Yaz some tea.

They all sat down for a cup of tea clueless about their dead friend.

"She's- she's gone."

The room fell silent in unsurprising scarcity. Yaz hadn't fully accepted that she was gone. Saying it out loud made it sink deeper than any scar she had created.

"My dear who is gone?"

Vastra had her own theory but she needed it confirmed. She didn't want it to be true but she feared the man who had given her many thrills over the years was gone. The Doctor had finally become a woman and Vastra had only given her advice on this very girl sat in front of her inconsolably crying.

"The Doctor."

A loud collective gasp escaped everyone but Yasmin.

"And Ryan, Mum and Dad, Sonya. Everyone I have ever loved is dead and I don't know how to fix it."

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