Slipping through my fingers

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The TARDIS landed on a dark Victorian age street the cloister bell booming through the alleyway. Piece by piece the street was disappearing. In the distance a wormhole shone, sending soft indigo beams of light out across the evening sky.

The Doctor stared into Yasmin's eyes pondering the right time to ask.

"Seriously every time I visit, something has to go wrong."

See the girls had come to The Victorian era for Yaz to actually meet Vastra, Jenny and Strax and for The Doctor to visit some of her good friends.

The ones who had lured her out of her depression when Amelia Pond died. The ones who brought her the mystery that was Clara Oswald.

She would be forever grateful to them for that.

"What do you mean, every time?"

"Well there was that time with The Snowmen. OH. Last time there was a super cool dinosaur!"

"That's great Doctor. I do hate to interrupt this amazing flashback, but that wormhole is getting a lot bigger."

"Let's go and find out where it leads to, shall we Dearest Yasmin."

She grabs Yaz's hand.

"That we shall, Dearest Doctor."

With that they walked down the street, hand in hand, smiles plastered on both faces. They had something to do. Something to fill the time with.
Something that wasn't deafening silence spent pondering about love and times long past.

Their slow walk broke out to a run when the wormhole kept growing. They had turned it into a race, each girl trying to beat the other to the rip in space and time.

Yaz won and started edging closer and closer to the split. The Doctor stood there in shock at how brilliant this little girl from Earth actually was. She was so good that soon she would need her own sonic screwdriver. She started planning out how the screwdriver would look when she heard Yaz's deafening scream. She started running closer only to find Yaz disappearing.

It was too late to save her. She would be lost in some random spot in the universe. Alone. So she did the only thing she could think of. She chucked her sonic into Yasmin's open hand. Which she caught.

"Yaz, I'll find you! I promise!"


Yaz screamed at her as she finally disappeared from The Doctor's eyeline.

"I promise! Come back to me Yaz! I need you!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yaz was gone. Ripped from her arms again. In almost the same way. She automatically started a stopwatch on her sonic before she had tossed it to Yaz so she would be able to add it to the 4 years and 10 months they had already spent apart.

She was currently sitting in The Flint household crying for about the 147th time this week. Yaz had been gone hours now and she had nothing but herself, her TARDIS and Ryan and Sonya, whom she and Yaz had left in there hours before because they had sounded very 'busy' when they had wanted to go on an adventure as a gang.

Vastra had been the one to find her and bring her inside. Strax had brought the TARDIS around the back. Jenny had kindly made them all tea.

She loved them all dearly and hoped that one day her and Yaz could be like Vastra and Jenny but without the whole maid situation.

Just the married part.

She finally got up from the couch and walked out of the front door. Slowly picking up her pace she broke into a full run bursting through The TARDIS' doors.

She sprinted to her room, tears brushing her cheeks and falling to the safety to the ground.
Her footsteps pounding almost as fast as her hearts.

She slammed the door and slid down so her back met the icy surface. Her head buried in her arms at the loss of Yaz. Again.

Soon enough Ryan and Sonya were at the door wondering what was wrong, after following the trail of tears they knew something was wrong. She didn't want to tell Sonya in case she started screaming things at her that she had already told herself a million times.

Unfortunately for The Doctor, The TARDIS was on the couple's side and simply took the door away. Letting The Doctor fall onto her back while Sonya peered around the room amazed at it's beauty and lack of Yaz.

"Hey Doc, where's Yaz?"
Ryan uttered softly as to not agrivate the timelord.

Those words were ones she didn't ever want to hear. Ever. But she had to face him otherwise he would get more worried.

"Just in her room down the hall. She's having a nap so just let her sleep for a few hours."

"Doctor. One I know when you're lying by now. Two we went to her room before coming here. We wanted to ask if you were okay."

"What have you done to my sister."

Sonya spoke at a volume the human ear could barely pick up but the seven words rang through her like an ocean hitting a shoreline.

"I-. I lost her. Sonya I am so so sorry but I promise I will find her. Because I need her. I made sure she had at least something to protect herself with. She has my sonic at least."

"Doctor you idiot. Does she even know how to use the sonic? Did you put a tracker on her. Or the sonic."

"Ryan. What's a sonic. How are we going to find my sister? She's the only thing I have right now. I can't go home without her."

"Firstly Sonya my sonic screwdriver can literally open anything, do anything. Except wood. Gotta fix that actually. Ryan of course she knows how to use the sonic. I taught her ages ago when she wanted to open something in the 1840's. You remember. The adventure with the Dream Lord. But no unfortunately I do not have a tracker on either the sonic or Yaz. But the frequency the sonic uses can be found pretty easily so."

"So a baddie can find her."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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