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The Doctor stood there in shock looking at Yazmin. Ryan was playing tennis with his eyes to look at the pair. Since when could Yaz fly the TARDIS? The Doctor had given her 3 lessons so she was shocked as well.

Until she saw those all too familiar curls standing in the hallway. Eyes glowing with achievement. River Song taught Yaz how to fly MY TARDIS.

Yaz was proud of herself until she saw The Doctor looking into the hallway. Where the nice woman who taught her how to pilot the TARDIS was standing. Shit. She looked like she knew the woman and that worried Yaz. She had never asked the woman for her name but had rather called her Professor. She wondered why Ryan wasn't also staring at The Professor but he must not have seen her yet. So she made The Professors location known by all in the room. It didn't feel fair to let Ryan miss out.

"Hey Professor can you come here for a sec?"

"Yeah sure Yaz is something wrong with Idris?"

"No, She's fine but I just wanted to ask you something so can you come over here?"

River Song as elegantly as she can paces over to the worried Khan.

Yaz lowers her voice and asks.
"Professor do you know The Doctor somehow because she's giving you a look."

"Oh Sweetie of course I know The Doctor. My parents traveled with her many regenerations ago."

The Doctor piped up, seeming to have very good hearing which worried Yaz because she had spent her fair share of recent nights crying.

"Darling it isn't lying. They did travel with you. I just didn't tell her the bit where I came into the equation."

"River it's not that hard to forget your parents. God I miss them."

"I know sweetie so do I. Now Yaz let me do this as she would say properly. Hello my name is Professor River Song aka Professor Melody Pond. There happy dear?"

"No River I'm not happy but that is going to have to do because we have a probably confused Yaz and Ryan is sitting on the floor rocking himself to an early grave."

"Ryan you alright mate? Remember me? It's Yaz. Can you stop rocking and I'll make you a sandwich or something."

Ryan more than confused slowly got up and stumbled into the kitchen no doubt running into loose objects on the floor. So Yaz ran off to help him out completely ignoring The Doctor and River's argument. She sat him down and explained what she knew which fairingly was not much. Not knowing if River could eat or not, she then made 3 ham, cheese and tomato sandwiches making sure to only put pepper on her own.

She sat herself down next to her friend and waited for their alien to smell the tomato and walk in. Soon enough she did but her usual happiness was replaced with a more aggressive nature. Yaz smiled at the woman but got a moody side eye, something you would expect from a teenager and not a 3,000 year old alien.

Ryan looked between the pair and found himself stuck in an awkward place. He knew Yaz's parents were right outside that door and went for it. He pulled the girls away from their food ignoring the annoyed sounds they made and dragged them out the front door of The TARDIS
he didn't account for Sonya opening the door though.
————————(Didn't want a short Chapter soz)

"Hiya Ryan. What's up and why did you drag these lunatics along with you?"

"Hi- Hi Sonya. I couldn't deal with the looks they were giving each other and Yaz parked it here so I thought hey might see if Sonya was around so I could get away from them."

"Smart idea. We can dump them with Mum and Dad so we can get out of here and watch a movie or something."

"That's uhh that's cool with me."


"Sonya! She is not my girlfriend!"

The Doctor was stuck in this uncomfortable situation and she wanted out. So she got out of Ryan's grasp and escaped back into her TARDIS. Stumbling up the stairs into her secret room where she watched all her movies, she flicked Broadchurch on and felt at peace. For the first time since Graham died she thought that everything would be okay. That was until Yazmin Khan quietly knocked on the door. She didn't want to answer it. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. It honestly could have happened and she wouldn't have been mad. Why couldn't she be normal? Why couldn't she, The Doctor, The Oncoming Storm be fucking normal for once? She just wanted to go back to before she ran before she was even born and stop it all from ever happening. All the death she had caused could have been reversed, her friends could have lived out the rest of their lives in peace and prosperity.

Yaz quietly opened the door and turned her head to the screen which The Doctor's glassy eyes were staring at. Broadchurch? She recommended that to the Timelord ages ago but never thought she actually watched or listened to half the nonsense she would drown on for hours about. She slowly sat down next to The Doctor. Her Doctor. She softly placed her arm around the woman and pulled The Doctor into her warm and loving arms. They sat like that for hours in silence both pondering very different topics while Sonya and Ryan were having the time of their lives watching Eternals at the cinema.

Ryan was being himself and nothing less which Sonya had always adored. They had rented out the cinema and Ryan was screaming when there was anything interesting ignoring Sonya laughing each and every time. They got overly carried away and when the movie ended just to shut him up Sonya kissed him. He kissed back having wanted this for so long. If the manager hadn't come in and interrupted them wanting them to leave they probably would have had sex right then and there in the cinema.

The Doctor woke up in the fragile arms of one Yazmin Khan. Confused on how she got there but not wanting to disturb Yaz she stayed as still as she could. Thoughts of last night came crawling back to her like spiders.

Tears had once again encompassed her eyes and threatened to spill. She could feel Yaz's concerned look without seeing it.

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't but that's okay. I've got you now and no one will hurt you again."

"Yaz you don't get it. You and Ryan are going to hurt me when you die. You always do."

"I won't die on you Doctor."

Yaz would never know how many nights The Doctor had spent awake begging the universe not to be torn from her friends again. It never worked. They always went, did something stupid, sometimes even to protect her and died. Leaving her alone to pick up the pieces. Yet again.

She subconsciously let the tears fall like rain on a warm summers night. They burned her cheeks and throat but once they started they wouldn't stop and Yaz just gripped the tighter in hopes of never letting go.

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