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The Doctor was glad Yaz stayed asleep through the night. Yaz had always looked peaceful when she slept and she thought it was beautiful, she checked her phone for the first time since the incident with Missy. A text in the groupchat from Ryan. She opened it and smiled at the picture of herself and Yasmin entangled in each other fast asleep. Yaz looked so peaceful, what had gone wrong? How much did she fuck up in Yaz's dream?

Did she say something that implied less than love? Did she say she hated her? How could she fix it?

Yaz's memories. Maybe if she went in and erased the nightmare everything would be fixed and Yaz would be happy again.

She could tell Yaz everything too. Easier than actually telling her verbally. But she couldn't know if it would show her how much she loved her. She couldn't be sure until it was too late but she needed access to that nightmare. She needed to know how badly she had fucked it up for herself.

She decided to tap into Yaz's mind without sharing any information about herself, it would be easier for her that way. Easier for Yaz. She would share things later. Right now was to take that nightmare out and place into the infinite that was her own memory.

She got up from her large velvet chair's comfort and slowly walked over to Yasmin's restful body, nervous about the infinite of things that could go wrong. She sat between Yaz and the edge of the bed trying not to disturb her. Luckily her efforts weren't in vein. She brang her fingers to Yaz's temples and closed her eyes, scrolling through the memories like they were glimpses into her soul. Suddenly she was urged into a specific memory that seemed to be acting like a firewall trying to force her out.

She was sitting in a cabin on some sort of boat. Dazed she sat in silence waiting for something to appear, when she heard her own voice and immediately looked up. It was the hologram she had smuggled to Yaz in case they had gotten split up.

"And I'm sure I miss you."

"Miss ya too." She heard Yaz's voice coming from close by but couldn't see her.

"I know you do."

She tuned out of the rest of the conversation, wondering if Yaz was also having a dream like this, remembering this seemingly fond moment.

The door made a small squeak letting Graham and Ryan walk in with Gerrico not too far behind.
They started talking about a man they had dropped into the ocean as if Yaz had asked them to do it. Did Yaz kill a guy? She looked at Graham, remembering all the good times and glad that she could see him again even if it was just one of Yaz's memories.

"You alright Yaz?"

I missed his voice. How much immediate comfort he could bring with just a few words.


Gerrico and Ryan left to go fix something leaving Gray and Yaz alone, both unknowingly letting her hear their conversation.

"We will see her again. She'll be alright. Wherever she is."

"I know Graham but, it's been 4 years. We have no clue how to find her again and she got turned into an angel. Something she hates. Fears even. Gray you didn't see her eyes. They were terrified of it."

"Yaz. We will find her. I promise, even if it's the last thing I do. I was a bit too preoccupied with stopping you from getting killed trying to save her by running through the bubble."

"Sorry Gray. I just miss her so much. I want to give her a hug and tell her everything will be okay but I can't and it's killing me. I just love her so much and I can't stand being hundreds of years away from her, not knowing if she's okay."

"Yaz you will see her again and when you do you gotta shoot your shot, it's so obvious you both like each other."

"This is The Doctor we are talking about. The same woman who won't even come close to me. The same girl who probably hates me because I almost died trying to see her again. Gray I can't risk her hating me for the rest of forever. I will just keep it to myself and promise me you will too."

"Promise.. Yaz you should get some sleep. Have nice dreams."

"Thankyou Graham. For everything you've done. I love you like a Grandad. Night."

"Night Yaz."

The memory faded to black, leaving The Doctor sitting there crying in a ball. She missed Graham. She missed Yaz. Screw finding that awful nightmare. That memory had shown her so much already.

She hopped out of Yaz's mind and slowly crept over to her chair and started thinking about what they had said. Did Yaz really like her? What was this about Yaz almost dying trying to jump through the time bubble?

The most unbelievable part was that it had been 4 years for her companions and not the 4 hours that it had been for her. No wonder why Yaz hugged her so tight or that hologram was so worn out.

It hit her like a train at full force that she had left Yaz for a total of 4 years and 10 months now. Probably more that she couldn't remember but that was a long time for humans. They devoure moments and spend years making memories all for it to just end one random day that's been plucked from an ocean of numbers. 100 years was nothing to the timelord but to a human 100 years is forever, a lifetime full of memories.

She crept over to her wardrobe and changed into a nice set of pyjamas that matched to her normal clothes. She then slid into her bed next to Yaz and planted a quick kiss on the girl's forehead before falling softly to sleep.

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