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Yazmin Khan sat in her cell pondering both an escape plan and if her beloved Doctor would save her. She thought to what Graham would have done if he were there. He would have made sure she kept her spirits up and stayed hopeful. She knew The Doctor would find her but didn't know if it would be too late to save her. Yaz was worried and even the Doctor couldn't fix that.

Being a police officer and friend of The Doctor, Yaz wanted more information as to where she was and why she was there. So using the skills from the lock picking course The Doctor made the fam take after a particularly nasty encounter with the Kasarvan, she managed to pick the lock and make it down the eerie corridor before she heard noise.

That noise was what she was after. They were talking about some sort of mission involving testing true love or something similar. She didn't want to stick around much longer after hearing the punishment of this strange place.

She pondered calling Ryan after she remembered that her phone had been with her the entire time and she had somehow forgotten it existed when she got a text from a random number.

Hey Yaz it's me, Are you okay?

Who the hell was me and how did they know both her name and number. Not just her name either. Her nickname. That only her mates called her. Who the hell would have both her nickname and her number. THE DOCTOR! How did she get her number though?

Doc? Is that you?


Not really.

That was definitely her doctor. She came to the conclusion that Ryan must have given it to her and saved the number as: Doc 💙. She made sure the contact photo was pretty and set off again trying to find the exit when her phone buzzed softly.

Where are you? You were kind of there one minute gone the next. Ryan thought he saw you going on a walk but wasn't sure and was very rude when I tried to track you using his phone.

No clue where I am sorry. Typical Ryan though esp when you wiped his phone last time.

You make a good point Yazmin Khan. Gold Star ⭐️.

Oo.  Can I get it in sticker form later? Also I heard the Pohl talking about true love or something. Broke out of my cell already tho😌.

That's my Yaz. Told you that lock picking course would come in handy some day didn't I. Bad news on the Pohl front tho. I'll be there as soon as I can.

On that note Yaz shoved her phone back into her pocket and started running in the directions the dark hallways took her. She heard a familiar voice quickly but it wasn't exactly who she wanted to hear.

"Once The Doctor comes to save her worthless companion I can finally kill her once and for all!"

She also heard a smaller male voice that was husky and aged. She didn't recognise this voice at all because she simply hadn't heard it before.

"And then we can get revenge on the Cybermen who killed Diane and left me to fend for our kids."

So there were kids involved in this somehow. She had to text The Doctor and warn her about The Master and this new accomplice of his. But she was running out of time. One of her favourite sounds started to chime though her ears.

Soon enough The Doctor and Ryan opened the doors on the search for herself but they were greeted with a no so friendly welcome from The Doctor's oldest friend. The Master.

How was she going to save herself, Ryan and The Doc from a timelord with pretty much infinite power and some crazed space theives.

She poked her eye into the crack between the doors again to see what was going on. Great. Some battle for domination between The Master and The Doctor. How fun this was going to be. Again. She rolled her eyes, grabbed a loose sword that was laying on the ground and barged into the room.


I had heard her. She just wasn't getting an answer before I stabbed The Master somewhere not life threatening and pushed both her and a stunned Ryan back into the TARDIS.

Finally all of us back together.

The Doctor stood there frozen in shock so I took the opportunity to show off some flying skills. The Doctor gave her 3 lessons in the last month trying to teach her but this curly haired automatic hologram had taught her so much more in a day than the Doctor had in a month.

Yazmin Khan got them all out safely and landed in the one spot she was always welcome. Her Parents house.

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