🖤Are you cheating on me?🖤

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Type: fluff and angst

It was a dark, windy night, the howls of the weather gushing outside, yet the secure, thick walls kept the inhabitants of the home entirely secure from the storm that was occurring out there.

Zander rested his head on the couch, laying flat on his back. He sighed, happy to be relaxing after all the hard work he'd done at college that day. He tore his gaze away from the TV screen playing the news, which Zander found pretty boring at times, and fixated his lavender orbs to his boyfriend, whom was staring down at his phone.

Zander admired him, his legs led flat out on the drummer's lap. He kicked them lightly, nudging Luke's hand with the phone in. He drew his gaze towards the pianist, finding a smirk on his lips.

"What?" Luke asked, he didn't mean to make his tone sound so harsh, but he was trying to focus on what he was doing on the small screen in his hands.

Zander sat up, adjusting his purple hair. "What? I just nudged you!" He whined playfully, coming closer to the brunette.

Luke's face turned into a panic as he saw Zander leaning over him. He quickly turned his phone screen away from him, hiding it under the cushions.

"Hey, can't I see what you're doing on there?" Zander asked with annoyance in his tone, trying to grab Luke's phone from him.

Luke's face turned into an angry look as he practically ripped Zander's hand from the small device, "HEY STOP THAT!" He accidentally yelled, putting a hand over his mouth as he realized how loud his voice came out.

Zander's eyes widened, he gave a pissed look towards Luke and flopped back down on the other side of the fluffy couch, removing his legs from Luke's lap. "Fine then." He muttered, his gaze turning back towards the TV.

Luke glared at him before pulling his phone out from the piles of cushions he buried it in and continued to look down at the screen. Zander kept his gaze on the TV, when he was in a bad mood, he tried not to lash out like he used to, instead he'd just try and ignore whoever pissed him off so he tried ignoring Luke, however that was quite a struggle for him.

He darted his eyes towards Luke's direction for a second before returning them to the TV. Luke didn't notice Zander's eyes on him at all, he was too distracted by whatever he had going on his phone.

The night went by so slowly, the two just sat there on the couch with the accompanied silence that always found its way into their home. Zander didn't want to be mad at Luke, infact, he wasn't really mad, he was more sad that Luke was hiding things from him.

Finally, after about an hour, Luke spoke up, shoving his phone deep into his jacket pocket. "I'm gonna go take a shower." He rose from the large couch, not even bothering to look at Zander as he quickly jogged up the stairs leaving Zander in deep confusion.

He sat up, scratching his head. Why was Luke avoiding him? He picked up the remote for the TV and switched it off, not listening to the incoherent mumbling coming from the news reporter.

He checked his watch that tied tightly around his small wrist. It showed around 8:15. Zander sighed, climbing off the couch just like Luke had moments ago, and made his way upstairs too.

Grabbing onto the shiny door handle, he twisted it, pushing it forward as the door opened, granting Zander access to the bedroom. To his surprise, Luke wasn't in the shower, but sat up on the edge of the bed in the corner of the small, slightly claustrophobic room.

His eyes widened upon seeing the brunette, he crossed his arms, now pissed that Luke lied to him. "Ahem." He raised his voice, Luke's golden gaze averted from his phone and up towards his boyfriend. "I thought you were taking a shower?" He asked, a sour tone in his voice.

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