Chapter 4

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OK sorry and yeah I hope not everyone has forgotten about faction future... So I kinda left it in attempts to write a story about mermaids but I think I'm better at fanfic which means - drum roll - Faction Future is BACK!!!!!

I will try to update a lot because I haven't published anything since like November 2014...

So that was quite a long authors note so... Happy Reading☺ and happy fangirl\boying

Tris POV

After the first day I returned to my dorm. I stretched out on my bed and took out my phone. I went on Instagram. 47 DMs. I opened them 1 by 1. Most of them were friends from my old school asking where I was. I replied to Karine first, telling her I was at a new school. Then I told the same to Mable Sissy Victoria Brooke and Paulina.  I realized one of them was from Caleb. I opened it, it was a picture of Lila my hedgehog. I missed her. I sent back to Caleb saying to take care of her.

I heard the click of high heels.. I knew who it was. The blue woman walked in.
"Ground rules." She said. I rolled my eyes dramatically. "No powers unless your PD tutor is here." She glared at me. "Prior, no games. I don't need another Natalie." She returned to calm and poised "no leaving the grounds. Teleporting and flying won't work, Prior." She smiled "tommorow we will begin the testing. We will put you through the traditional aptitude test and then a new aptitude test. All will be in front of the school." She smiled again "good night" and she strutted off. I stretched out on my bed again and fell asleep.

Chris jumped on my bed in the morning. I yawned dramatically.

"Its time!" She shouted enfatically.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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