Chapter 41 - Exams

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Gryffindor won the final Quidditch match of the year and were awarded the house cup.

All classes had turned into revision lessons for the fifth and seventh years. The students became more focussed and stressed over their study schedules and forth coming exams.

A.J worked on stopping the black-market trade of brain stimulants. Some sixth year was selling Boney's Brain Aid which he described as tasting like dirt but having great effects. It was dirt, mixed with water and a few drops of Salamander Blood.

Instead of revision, which she didn't need, A.J sought out the most anxious of the fifth years and helped them with their study. Hannah Abbot, in her Hufflepuff study group, had bear-hugged her to show her gratitude on Sunday night. The exams were to start the next morning and thanks to her, Hannah was much more relaxed about them.

Two weeks of tests had been set, a theory test in the morning followed by the practical test in the afternoon. A.J had seven classes, which totalled six and a half days of tests with History of Magic not involving a practical exam. On Monday morning, in which she was to sit her charms paper, she left the castle.

A.J arrived at Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes and got no further than two steps through the doorway when her mouth dropped open. The shop was ready for opening and the twins were working on a banner announcing the opening of the new store in a couple of days' time.

Fred was the first to notice A.J's silent entry and called out as he ran towards her, "Hey, look George! Our most beautiful customer's here."

She was still looking around at the sparkling displays in amazement as Fred grabbed her around the waist lifting her from the ground.

A.J laughed, throwing her arms around his neck and finally looking at him. "You guys are done?"

"Yep." They chorused.

"Amazing." She said in an awed voice.

Fred put her down and his expression turned serious, "Why aren't you taking your charms test? It's this morning."

"How'd you know that?" A.J said amused.

"Never mind that."

A.J untangled herself and walked over to a piece of parchment on the counter next to George. It was a copy of the test schedule the seventh years had received last week, all her classes had been circled.

"Lee?" She asked quietly.

"Said you've been spending a bit of time hanging out with him too." Fred said in a low voice. He had come to stand beside her.

"Yeah we both have something in common, which he doesn't realise of course." She turned her head towards him. "We both miss you."

Fred beamed at her. He leant in to kiss her as George called, "What about me?"

A.J laughed against Fred's lips. "Sorry. We miss both of you." She corrected.

Fred pulled her towards him. "Why aren't you sitting that N.E.W.T test?" He whispered, letting her know he noticed her dodging the question. "Won't it look odd if they see you're missing?"

"I had no intentions of sitting those tests again."

"What do you mean again?" George interrupted.

"I sat my N.E.W.T's with last year's Hogwarts class."

"You'd already finished school, that's why they let you join the Order." George exclaimed as if everything now made sense. He walked off into the back room humming to himself.

Fred reclaimed her attention by kissing her neck, and then when she turned back to him, her lips.

"Hey George! We're just going to duck out for a bit!" Fred yelled to his brother.

They heard a chuckle, which Fred took to mean that his twin had heard. He smiled wickedly at A.J and with a loud crack they landed in the flat upstairs moments later.

A.J laid in Fred's arms, resting her head against his bare chest. "It's really okay you're not appearing to sit those exams?" Fred asked.

"It's fine sweetheart. They have the same examiners every year, they will remember me if I turn up again." A.J answered quietly.

"It was only ten days since your last visit." He noted. "So if you're not sitting N.E.W.T's will you be visiting more often?" Fred asked with a hint of hope.

"Aw, you miss me." A.J teased lightly. Fred just kissed her forehead.

"You have your Grand Opening soon, this place will be packed." A.J said hesitantly.

Catching her drift, he commented; "I already talked to George about it. We have other workers who can cover for me for a little while when you visit."

"Wow, you're going to owe him big time down the track."

"I'd do the same for him." Fred shrugged.

A.J spent the day following Fred around the shop helping the twins with final preparations and the stack of mail orders waiting, sneaking kisses from him every change she got. She arrived back at Hogwarts in time for dinner and to catch the chatter of how everyone's exams had gone.

On Wednesday morning A.J was leaving behind a herbology exam to visit Sirius. She had warned him earlier, like she always did, that she would be coming but he was still surprised to see her on a Wednesday. A.J wasn't at her most creative, so they only travelled to Ireland for some site seeing and lunch. Sirius was too happy to be out of Grimmauld Place and too occupied asking how Harry's O.W.Ls were going to notice anything wrong with her.

It must be close, A.J thought. It had been three months, one week and one day since she saw the vision. She didn't know if this would be the last time she saw him and she couldn't shake the nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach.

On the way back to Hogwarts, she stopped in to visit a very busy looking Fred and George.

George spotted her entering first and nudged Fred, who turned to beam at her.

"Hey." She smiled back.

"Hey." Fred kissed her.

"I just wanted to say all the best for tomorrow's opening. You guys will do great."

"Thanks Love." He kissed her again. "You can't stay?"

A.J watched George turn and glare at Fred's back, and she laughed. They clearly had a lot to sort out before tomorrow.

"No, exams are almost over for today, I need to go blend back in." She gave him a long-drawn-out kiss.

She pressed a note into his hand as she whispered, "I love you" in his ear. She took a couple of steps backwards, swiped a Remembrall, from a display near the counter and tossed him a Galleon for it. "I wanted to be your first customer." She beamed. Fred smiled down at the Galleon and when he looked back up, she had gone.

Fred looked at the small piece of parchment folded in his hand, it had a little heart with the letter F in the centre. He opened it to read;

From someone who is proud to know you.

Fred was smiling to himself until George read it over his shoulder and let out a fake sniff, "How sweat." He mocked.

Fred whacked him before George added; "Gotta admit, I wish I thought of pursuing her first. I am the better-looking twin after all."

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