Chapter One - First Order Meeting

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I looked around the long table, back at the faces searching mine. What were they waiting for, a bang?

At seventeen years of age, I was sitting beside my parents, Aileen and Michael Ryan, at my first Order meeting held at headquarters.

"Perhaps a demonstration, Miss Ryan." Dumbledore sighed quietly.

The room fell silent at his words, and most eyes shot between Dumbledore and I questionably.

I met his eyes and immediately knew we were both thinking the same thing; it was better to prove myself capable now.

"Please do not panic." I said calmly to the group.

There were a couple of shifting noises as people were initially affronted by their senses being invaded.

Like watching a movie, I placed images into all minds in the room.

It was all over within thirty seconds and people began to stare at me as I uninvaded their minds.

I turned when I heard a light thud coming from the door beside me.

"Are there charms on the door?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, the kids are probably attempting to listen in again." Mrs Weasley, a red-haired, small plump women sighed in exasperation, from across the table. She went to shuffle out of her chair.

I smiled at her sympathetically. "I'll check."

I waved my wand in the direction of the door. After a few moments, whispered voices amplified through the room.

"What's happening now?" A young, male voice asked.

"I dunno, they went quiet." Came another male's voice.

I waved my wand again, sending a pulse up through to them that would sound like a siren. There were a couple of cries of alarm before I removed the speaker effect from the room and cast an imperturbable charm on the door.

Mrs Weasley was red with embarrassment. This must be the efforts of the famous Weasley twins – her sons.

I looked to Dumbledore.

"Okay, to business." He smiled over his spectacles.

No one was watching me anymore. Did they get the bang they were after?

Harry was to arrive at Grimmauld place within a week, and they were discussing the methods to get him here safely. Then the safety measures to get him to school at the end of the summer. Then of course he would be safely watched at Hogwarts.

I was off to Hogwarts at the end of summer too, to complete my final year of schooling.

Mrs Weasley walked over to the sink in the kitchen – which was now empty except for a few members who were remaining for dinner – Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Kingly Shacklebolt, and my parents were still here.

In an attempt to keep out of Mrs Weasley and my mother's way I went and set up chopping vegetables at the table. I sat near a rather handsome dark-haired middle-aged man near the fire.

After I got to work with charming the potatoes out of their skins, I started chopping – I turned to the man.

"Not as terrifying as they say, are you?" I smiled.

"No, I guess not." Sirius Black smiled back.

Although he showed the signs of a man that had had a long and hard life – he was still young.

Sirius, as a wanted criminal, was restricted to the confines of Grimmauld Place, as he couldn't risk being seen. He told me rather proudly that there was a ten thousand Galleon price on his head. Also, that Kingsley Shacklebolt was leading the hunt for him. This had made my stomach hurt with laughter.

Dumbledore felt there was nothing Sirius could do for the Order. I had reminded him that he had leant them this awful place for Headquarters, for which he cracked a smile.

Our chatter grew as others joined our conversation. While I was waiting on a response from Remus, he stopped talking abruptly and focused directly passed me with his mouth slightly twitching towards a smile. We followed his gaze. Standing in the doorway, upon just entering the kitchen, were three red-haired boys, two identical and one slightly younger. They had stopped in their tracks and were staring at me in surprise.

"How are your ears?" I smiled innocently at them.

The younger boy's mouth dropped. "That was you?" The twins glared at him and he looked a little ashamed.

"Don't know what you're talking about." The twin on the left spoke, in a matter-of-fact tone.

The third boy was still just standing behind the others staring at me. "Hi, I'm Alexis-June Ryan." I waved at him. "Are you Ronald?"

He nodded curtly, walking the small distance to the table to sit down.

'So, Fred and George?" I pointed questionably to the twins.

"I'm Fred." The twin on the left explained offering his hand.

"I'm George." The other offered his hand once Fred moved away.

They sat down. Though identical, there were subtle differences in their demeanour.

"Alexis-June can keep an eye on you this year. She's attending Hogwarts for her final year." Mrs Weasley looked at me with a warm smile before returning to preparing dinner.

After checking with Mrs Weasley, I waved my wand to set the table. Plates, knives, and forks flew out of an ancient dresser and landed placed out neatly on the table. Goblets and flagons of Butterbeer also flew to land neatly on the table from the pantry.

After a young, pretty, red-haired girl entered the room, Mrs Weasley waved her wand and the food hovered over to the table.

"This is my youngest, Ginny." Mrs Weasley smiled at her only daughter.

I gave a small wave, and she smiled in return.

After everyone had consumed as much as they could, the conversation picked up again, and it was soon made clear that I was in the Order.

"What?" Fred sputtered.

'She's our age..." George protested.

"Yeah. We're of age too, and still can't join, why can she?" Fred glared at his father.

I shifted uncomfortably.

"You are both still at school." Mrs Weasley said in a no-nonsense tone.

"So is she." Ginny pointed out. Mrs Weasley glared at her. She shrugged, completely unabashed.

"Alexis-June is very advanced for her age, a very smart and powerful witch." Remus interjected.

Mrs Weasley smiled fondly at him.

"You saying we aren't smart?" George balked.

"Or is it because we aren't witches." Fred added quietly.

Sirius, Remus, Tonks and I had our heads together at one end of the table as a piece of parchment and quill laid in front of us. Sirius and Remus were pointing out various hidden passageways on the map they had just drawn of the Hogwarts castle.

I got the run down on the Marauder's map, that Harry was currently in possession of, but I wouldn't need anything like that. I wouldn't need to sneak; I would be granted easy access to walk the corridors out of hours – Dumbledore had made me something called Head Girl. According to him it would grant me certain privileges that would be useful.

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A.J RYAN IN THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIXWhere stories live. Discover now