Six: Ghosts of the Past

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Six: Ghosts of the Past

Lilith walked solemnly behind the army, not wanting to be up the front to face Peter. He was angry, both at her for waiting till the last minute and at himself although she knew he would never admit that, he preferred to blame Caspian. She could feel the tension in the air between them, even from so far back in the line of soldiers. 

      "What happened?" She heard Lucy ask from the entrance of the How. 

      "Ask him." Lilith looked up upon hearing the malice towards Caspian in Peter's voice. 

      "Peter," Susan reprimanded. 

       "Me?" Lilith briefly closed her eyes, dreading the argument that was going to occur. "You could have called it off. There was still time."

       "No there wasn't thanks to you." Peter had now stopped and rounded on the Prince. The rest of the line halted as well, although Lilith continued, pushing through the surviving Narnians. "If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now."

      "And, if you'd just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!" Caspian sneered at Peter as Lilith reached Susan. The two girl gave each other worried looks. It wasn't good for the Narnians to see their two main leaders fighting. 

      "You called us, remember?" Peter snapped. 

       "My first mistake." Lilith flinched at Caspian's words. 

      "No," Peter shook his head, mockery in his tone. "Your first mistake was thinking you could leda these people." Lilith sighed as Peter walked away, hand resting on the hilt of his sword.  

     "Hey!" Caspian shouted, enticing Peter to turn. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia." 

       "You invaded Narnia," Peter growled, pointing an accusing finger at Caspian. Lilith knew that the prince had not chosen his words wisely. Although she supposed he was aiming to hurt Peter, and she knew that he had succeeded. "You have no more right to it than Miraz does!" Caspian shoved past him, although everyone knew Peter would not let him walk away so easily. "You, him, your father..." Caspian paused, Peter had struck a chord. "Narnia's better off without the lot of you!"

The Telmarine let out a roar, turning and drawing his sword. Peter was quick to answer, both of them standing ready to fight. 

     "Stop it!" Edmund shouted as Glenstorm walked up to lay down an injured Trumpkin. Lilith had not known that the dwarf had been hurt during the raid. Lucy was swift in responding, running over and letting a drop of her cordial fall into his mouth. 

Lilith was not watching as he awoke, instead she looked after Caspian and Nikabrik, both of who were heading into Aslan's How. 

     "What are you all standing around here for?" Lilith turned back to the dwarf when he spoke. "The Telmarines will be here soon enough." Letting out a small laugh she began to walk away, although the faerie let a small secret smile show when the dwarf thanked Lucy. 

Lilith sat on her small pallet. Daraya had come to see if she was alright as soon as Lilith had entered the How. However after reassuring the mare that she was unharmed, she had gone off to go have her hooves trimmed in preparation for the battle. Lilith could have done it herself, however she had figured it would be best if she were alone then. She needed to think without the distraction of people. She needed to think about her love of Peter, and what she would do about it. She also needed to think about whether she was ready to fight another war and she needed to think about the hag her and Daraya had encountered and the words she had spoken to her. 

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