Seven: A Battle Between Kings

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Seven: A Battle Between Kings

Lilith stood beside Caspian, Susan and Professor Cornelius as Peter, Edmund and Lucy ran up to join them on the rock. Lilith only glanced briefly at Peter before directing her gaze back out across the field to the approaching army. They outmanned the Narnians by the hundreds, a fact that Lilith did not want to dwell on. While the Narnians were fierce and fought for a cause, they still did not know all the horrors that a head to head war brought. Not to mention they had war machines and armour crafted with far more skill than what the Narnians had. The five of them gave each other worried looks, and Lilith subconsciously gripped Peter's hand. She needed comfort right then and he was the only one who could provide it.

Glancing down at their joined hands Peter gave a small smile despite the situation and squeezed his loves fingers slightly in reassurance, glad that she was touching him again. He was even happier when she didn't pull away.

"What are we going to do?" Lucy asked, eyes wide as she stared up at her oldest brother.

"I don't know," Lilith answered for him. I don't know."

"Cakes and Kettledrums!" Trumpkin exclaimed, eyes wide as he took in Peter's words. "That's your next big plan?" The dwarf started walking towards Lucy, accentuating his words by pointing at her. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest alone."

"It's our only chance," Peter responded, his face blank as he refused to look over at Lilith. He knew that Trumpkin wasn't the only one to disagree with the plan.

"And she wont be alone," Susan spoke up.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" The dwarf asked, his voice imploring. However Trufflehunter was quick to cut in, he was one of the few who agreed with Peter's plan.

"Nikabrik was my friend too," the badger spoke, "but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't; and neither have I."

"For Aslan," Reepicheep exclaimed, his sword drawn and across his chest. The Bulgy Bear was quick to echo, both Peter and Lilith glancing over to him.

"Then I'm going with you," Trumpkin told Lucy who responded by placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"No, we need you here."

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Lilith finally chimed in. She may not of wholly agreed with Peter's plan, but she also knew that there was not much point fighting with him. Maybe in the past she would have voiced her qualms, however now she knew better than to disagree with a plan simply because she didn't want Lucy in danger. Lucy finding Aslan was their only hope to win this battle, unless she could wake the trees or find other reinforcements.

"If I may..." Caspian spoke up, stepping forward as everyone turned to look at him. "Miraz my be a tyrant and a murderer. But as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time."


"Peter?" Lilith spoke up softly as he finished writing the challenge and its terms down. "May I have a moment?" She asked, watching as he handed the scroll to Edmund.

"Lilith, you don't have to ask," he said as Edmund and the rest of the Narnians filed out of the Stone Table Room. "Although we haven't got much time."

"I know, but things have been weighing on me." Peter nodded. He could still see the hint of betrayal in her eyes. She still believed he abandoned her, although the strength of the feeling had lessened greatly.

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