One: War Torn

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One: War Torn

The soldier gripped Peter’s arm, pulling him from the ground and shoving him away. 

    “Act your age!”

Peter growled, shrugging his shoulder and walking away after his siblings. He didn’t care for what the soldiers thought of him or his actions. He had just wanted to hit something and the other boy had given him an excuse. 

    “You’re welcome,” Edmund muttered, dropping down onto the bench where the four of them waited for their train. Getting to his feet he walked towards the tracks, trying to calm the fire in his veins. 

     “I had it sorted.”

     “What was it this time?” Susan asked, staring up at Peter with disapproving eyes. 

     “He bumped me,” Peter informed them, turning to face his siblings. 

     “So you hit him?” Lucy questioned, surprise clear in her voice. 

     “No. After he bumped me, he tried to get to apologize. That’s when I hit him.”

  “Really, is it that hard just to walk away?” Susan shook her head, disbelieving of her brothers foolishness. 

     “I shouldn’t have to! I mean, don’t you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?” Peter complained. He knew it wasn’t the main reason why he was always s angry, however he would be hard pressed to admit the truth.

       “Uh, we are kids,” Edmund explained, although he knew that had not been what Peter meant. 

      “Well I wasn’t always,” Peter grumbled, moving back to sit back on the bench. “It has been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?” He continued, his mind briefly drifting to thoughts of Lilith. 

     “I think it’s time to accept the fact that we live here. It’s no use pretending any different.” Susan turned to them. Peter ignored the urge to yell at her. It was easier for her to accept that they may not go back. She didn’t have someone like Lilith whom she had to leave behind. “Oh no…” She muttered, snapping Peter out of depressing thoughts about Lilith. “Pretend like you’re talking to me,” she told Lucy who simply gave her a look. 

     “We are talking to you,” Edmund drawled, giving her a look much like the one Lucy gave her. 

     “OW!” Lucy exclaimed, jumping to her feet. 

     “Quiet Lu,” Susan scolded softly. 

     “Something pinched me,” the young girl replied, pointing at the bench. 

     “Hey, stop pulling,” Peter cried, also getting to his feet. 

   “I’m not touching you!” Edmund retorted before also getting to his feet as he felt something. 

     “What is that?” Susan questioned, getting to her feet as well. 

     “It feel like magic!” Lucy exclaimed, grinning. 

     “Quick, everybody hold hands,” Susan instructed, grabbing Peter and Lucy’s hands. 

      “I’m not holding your hand!” Edmund complained to Peter. Peter really didn’t feel he had time to fight Edmund as thoughts and memories of Narnia filled his head so instead of arguing with his brother he simply grabbed his hand as the sudden wind in the train station picked up speed. The walls started to crumble while the train rushed past, flashes of the ocean coming through the windows. It was as the train past them fully that the four siblings found themselves in a beachside cave, the smell of the ocean and Narnia taking the place of the oil and dirt of the Finchley. 

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