Three: A Hag

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Three: A Hag

Lilith sat crouched in the underbrush, an arrow knocked in her bow and a centaur beside her. Caspian was closer to the front with Reepicheep and Glenstorm, the three of them having chosen to head the raid. Glenstorm had offered if Lilith wished to tell Caspian of her connection to Narnia, however Lilith had refused. She did not want the attention to be on her in the upcoming fights. The longer Caspian remained in the dark about her friendship with Peter and his siblings the better it was for her. The faeries had yet to find her, however after so long she feared that they were growing nearer to discovering which world she dwelled in. It would only have been a few years in her original world since she deserted and in the council’s mind her betrayal would still be fresh. 

Watching for Glenstorm’s signal to attack the night guards she shifted her positioning, her leg having gone tingly. She had already seen two openings in the past hour that they could have used to attack, however Caspian had it in his mind to go when the shifts were changing. A few more minutes passed before Glenstorm gave them the okay to approach. They did it silently at first, slipping through wagons and past horses unnoticed. The few horses who stirred from their slumbers Lilith reassured with calming thoughts. She suspected others with low telepathic ability were doing the same since none made a noise to announce their coming. They had reached and emptied three wagons holding blades and armour onto a few centaurs and minotaurs before anyone noticed them. It was then that things stopped being quiet and turned loud and bloody. Lilith fired four arrows, killing two soldiers and maiming a third who seemed to be quite quick on his feet. She didn’t hurt any more of the Telmarines, instead she helped to empty more wagons while others fought. 

She knew that they had lost no men when they had finished since Reepicheep spent the time to write a message in the wood of a wagon on Caspian’s instruction. 

You were right to fear the woods, 


Lilith had to admit that it was clever as they slipped from the soldiers’ camp once more. Laden down with many blades and much armour, even Glenstorm had to volunteer to hold two bundles of swords since there were so many. Smiling she followed near the back of the group only to be stopped by Reepicheep as he finished his message and came past. 

     “Lilith, you should find yourself a mount,” the mouse addressed her. “I heard you often fought on horseback.”

Lilith looked down at him, wondering how he could have heard such a thing even though it was correct. However as she thought about it for a moment she nodded, although she still missed Rising every day it had been centuries ago and she should find herself a new mount. 

     “I shall find you later, and if I do not. I will meet you at the How.” The mouse smiled before running up to join Caspian and Glenstorm at the front of the pack. Falling back she slipped through the shadows, willing them to wrap around her and hide her from sight. She was glad that after the Pevensie’s left she had chosen to stop wearing white as regularly, since it made it far easier to move through the darkness. It required less work on the shadows’ part to hide her. 

Expanding her mind she searched for the mind of a horse which may bond with her like Rising had, however it took much wandering through the camp before she found a horse whose mind held as much intelligence as her old mount’s had. Moving toward the horse she came across a mare, lashed to a felled tree. She was a regal creature with a grulla colouring and held herself with a deep set pride despite Lilith being able to sense that she was not treated the best by her master. Approaching the mare it watched Lilith with curious eyes and alert ears. Gently Lilith brushed against her mind. 

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