וHow they kiss you (Slight NSFW?)•×

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Kirishima :

His kisses are soft and loving.

If it's just a quick kiss he will cup your face in his hands and peck your lips, if you're making out he will wrap his arms around your waist holding you close. His kisses are usually slower when making out. If he is feeling cheeky, expect to have your lips nipped at...

Hawks :

His kisses are fast-paced but passionate.

When he is giving you a quick kiss, he will smirk at you before wrapping one arm around your waist and using his other hand to lift up your chin (he likes to be extra). When you're making out, he will wrap you up in his arms and wings, sometimes you will hear him mutter "Closer" and
"Mm, baby/baby bird"

Bakugou :

His kisses are rough but slow.

If he's just giving you a quick kiss his arms will wrap around your waist before he pulls you in by the ass. This man definitely has you against a wall when making out, his hands will either be beside your head or resting on your waist. Sometimes he might groan whilst making out, but you don't know if he does it just to fluster you.

Todoroki :

His kisses are slow and sensual.

When giving you quick kisses, he will hold both of your hands and plant a soft kiss on your lips. When you're making out he will have his hands resting on your hips gently squeezing them every so often. A lot of the time he is panting quite a lot during a make out session, he says it's just the affect you have on him.

Kaminari :

His kisses are playful and sweet.

If he's giving you a quick kiss he will give you a cheeky grin and a wink before pecking your lips and running off. When he's making out with you he will have his arms around your neck, quite often he will use his quirk and give you a gentle shock to the back of the neck as he makes out with you.

Shinso :

His kisses are firm but caring.

When he is giving you a quick kiss, he will hold onto your arms and give you a quick firm kiss. When he is making out with you he will, similar to Bakugou, have you backed up against a wall but his kisses aren't as rough and his hands will always linger on your waist rather then either side of your head.

Dabi :

His kisses are rough and firm.

You'll be lucky to get just a quick kiss from this man. He loves make out sessions with you and will definitely have you against a wall his hands usually resting on your ass. He will 100% bite your lips.

Midoriya :

His kisses are shy but sweet.

When he is giving you a quick kiss, you will usually have your hands cupping his face. If you're making out it will nearly always be him against the wall. He will never tell you this but he likes it when you run your tongue over his lips.

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