וHow they propose to you part 2 (SFW)•×

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He does something very him...

The two of you were big into video games so Denki wanted to incorporate that into his proposal. Over the years Denki had learnt how to develop code and change it within certain files and games. He'd noticed that you had been playing one game a lot recently, Mario Kart. One day whilst you were out he decided to mess with the files. You got home later that day and were greeted by a grinning Denki right at the front door. "Hey Kami." You smile giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking past him into the gaming room. "Hey sparks, wanna play some Mario Kart?" Denki asks as he walks in after you. "If you beat me there's a big surprise." He smirks.
"Oh you're on!" You both sit in front of the screen, your controllers held tightly in your hands. "Hey! Don't you dare use that blue shell on me!" You growl at Denki as you round a corner. You were in first and he was in second but he was closing in quickly. He laughed "Well...I suppose I do want you to win..." You rounded the final corner and crossed the finish line in first place whilst Denki ended up in third. "I won!" You held your controller up in the air as the screen showed the results. Just as you stood up, the screen didn't go back to the main menu as it usually would. "Huh?" You cocked your head slightly and watched as the screen changed to a pastel F/C (favourite colour). Bold words came onto the screen "Hey sparks, that was a fun game but I now have something important to ask. Will you spend the rest of your life with me by marrying me?" You turned to look at your boyfriend who was still sat down but he now had a ring in the palm of his hand. "Well?.." He looked incredibly nervous. You gave him a soft smile before sitting back down beside him and kissing his nose. "I will marry you Denki."
"Yes!" He fist bumped the air causing you to laugh.


He does something very intimate that caused you to fall in love with him more than you thought was possible.

Every morning it was usually you who would get up first since most nights Shinso would go to bed late as he would stay up working on papers from the agency he worked at. You were very surprised this morning to find Shinso's side of the bed empty and it only retained a little warmth indicating he had been out of bed for a while. You sat up and stretched "Good morning precious." You looked towards the bedroom door to see your purple haired boyfriend coming in with a tray of breakfast. "Oh good morning." You grin at him. He placed the tray down on your bedside table. "Oh Hitoshi you didn't have to." He kneels down beside the bed and holds your hand. "I did, you always do so much for me and I don't deserve it."
You squeeze his hand "Shinso, don't say stuff like that."
You glance over at the tray of food and notice an envelope. "What's this?" You raise an eyebrow, Shinso hands you the paper. "Open it and find out." You give him a questioning look before carefully ripping open the envelope. It contains a folded note with two words on it "Marry me?" You look at Shinso who is still knelt beside you, he looks very sheepish. "Come here..." You say softly as you cup his face with your hands. He kneels up a bit higher so you can kiss him. "Of course I'll marry you." He chuckles deeply before pecking your lips again. "I was hoping you'd say that."


He does something very sweet to your surprise.

You were at your apartment and Dabi was out who knows where. You went to the kitchen to grab an apple for yourself until you heard the door unlock. "Hey babe, I'm back." You make your way to the door so you can greet your boyfriend. His eyes light up as you walk towards him. "Hey baby, what were you up to?" You wrap your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek. He wraps his arms around your waist. "Well I have something to show you." He pecks your lips before pulling away from you and taking your hand. He leads you out of your apartment allowing you to close the door behind you, he leads you to the elevator and presses the number for the roof. His hand still in yours he leads you out of the elevator and to the door leading to the roof. He opens the door revealing a small table with candles and a picnic basket on top. "Oh Dabi." You sigh sweetly. He chuckles "You like it?"
"I love it." You look up lovingly at him. You both take your seats on either side of the table, he takes out F/D (favourite drink) before pouring it into two glasses. After a moment of silence Dabi speaks. "Hey...Babe?"
You take a sip of your drink before placing down the glass and looking towards him. "Hm?"
"I have a quick question."
"What is it dear?" You tease
He rolls his eyes playfully, smirking. "You sound like an oldie when you say that."
You laugh. "Anyway, what did you want to ask?"
"I was going to ask if you wanted to get married..?"
You spit out the drink you had just taken a swig of. "Are you...Are you serious!?" You give him a wide, excited smile.
He nodded "I know it doesn't seem like something I'd want but... You're the first person to ever make me feel this stupid way." He had a slight pink blush and an almost shy smirk on his face.
You chuckle slightly. "I will marry you Dabi..."


I will do broccoli boy but I'm just struggling to think of a scenario for him.

I've been doing so badly updating this book 💀

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