וHow they propose to you part 1 (SFW)•×

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He doesn't do anything big as he thinks it's a moment to be shared between just the two of you.

You were both at his place watching a movie. You were snuggled up into Kiri's side his arm draped over you. He then stated that 'he was going to make more popcorn' little did you know he wanted to go calm himself before he asked you the big question. You sat up allowing him to stand and walk through to the kitchen. He placed a bag of popcorn in the microwave before taking several deep breaths as he felt the ring in his jean's pocket. He eventually made his way back into the living room before standing infront of the paused movie and looking down at you as you sit there with a confused expression on your face. "Y/N...I love you more than anything in this world and...And I want things to go further." He plunged his hand into his pocket. "Y/N L/N...Will you..." He got upon his knee "Marry me?" He gave you a nervous shark-toothed grin as he held the ring in the palm of his hand. You nodded vigorously "Yes!" You flung yourself at him. Your lovely embrace on the floor was soon interrupted by the shrill sound of the fire alarm. "Crap! The popcorn!"


Surprisingly he doesn't make it into a massive show, he just does something sweet and simple.

It was late in the evening, the sun was setting as you sat on the balcony with a cup of h/d (hot drink) and your favourite book. Just as you had set the book down on the table, you saw a clump of ruby red feathers coming towards you. You couldn't help but grin "Hawks..." You muttered under your breath. The feathers hovered infront of you, they were carrying a note. Intrigued, you took the note and unfolded it to read it. It read "Hey baby bird, I have a super important question to ask you so once you have finished reading this note would you mind looking up for me?" Confused but amused you looked up. Low and behold Hawks was flapping his wings not far above you. You were surprised that you hadn't heard the powerful wafting of his feathers. He lowered himself onto the balcony infront of you. You placed down your empty mug on the table and stayed seated. "So...Y/n." He never called you by your first name, he always called you by some dumb nickname. You knew this must be important. "Yes?" You responded. Hawks fiddled with something in his pocket before exhaling and getting down on his knee. "Will you marry me? I know this is probably the last thing you expected me to ask, but... I'm sure we could make a normal life work somehow." He smiled up at you nervously, awaiting your answer. You stood from the chair and knelt down beside him. "Of course I'll marry you Keigo." You whispered softly. His amber eyes instantly lit up, you thought he looked as if he was about to cry. He laughed, out of relief or joy you weren't sure. "Thank you, oh thank you so much." He threw himself at you holding you close as you knelt on the ground together.


Similar to Kirishima, he doesn't want to do anything big either, especially infront of people as he feels that they will see him as soft and weak.

There was this secret spot the two of you had in a forest nearby. There was a small clearing of trees which allowed the sun to shine down on the grass causing it to be greener than the rest of the forest floor, it also had a small stream running near it and you could hear the trickling water when you were there. It tended to be the place you would both go on special occasions like anniversaries, Valentine's Day etc, to have picnics. It was also where you had your first kiss. Anyway, Bakugou was adamant on taking you there today even though it wasn't any of the afore mentioned occasions. He stated that he just wanted some 'quiet alone time with you'. You thought that was sweet and so you went along with it. Bakugou had driven you there and once you were both out the car, he sped off into the forest without you, it also looked like he was carrying a few things. This was odd as you usually walked in together, hand in hand. You just shrugged it off as you got the blanket out of the back of the car. When you stepped through the trees and into the clearing, you gasped and dropped the blanket. Bakugou was already setting up a picnic. "Hey idiot, look down." His cheeks were a light shade of pink as he stood up. There was a small jewellery box with a note on top. You picked it up "You're so damn stupid for making me fall in love with you so hard. You wanna marry me?" You opened the box and grinned at the ring inside. You looked up and Bakugou was now stood infront of you. You had never seen him look so panicked. "I will marry you Katsuki." He gave you the sweetest and softest smile you think you've ever seen him give.


He unintentionally makes a bit of a scene because he decides to propose to you whilst you're out having a meal.

Shoto had reserved a table for the both of you at the restaurant where you had your first date. The two of you had just been seated and had grabbed your menus scanning through trying to find anything that appealed to you. Just as the waiter was coming to take your orders you heard Shoto shuffling in his chair. You glanced up at him. "You alright sweetheart?" He was patting all his pockets as if looking for something. He nodded "Yes, I'm fine." Just as the waiter arrives at the table, the next thing you know Todoroki is on his hands and knees on the floor. The waiter looks to you "Would you like a few more minutes?"
"Please." You laugh awkwardly.
"Shoto what in the world-!"
Todoroki was now kneeling where the waiter had been standing mere second ago, a beautiful, gleaming ring held between his thumb and index finger. "Y/n, would you do me the honour of marrying me?" His cheeks were a soft shade of pink and he had a gentle look upon his face that you didn't think you'd ever seen before. "Yes...I will." You say quietly at him as you stare into his calm eyes. A smile begins to form on his lips as he slips the ring on your finger. Suddenly, you hear loud clapping all around you and you realise the other guests within the restaurant were cheering and clapping "Woo, go number 2!"
You felt your cheeks going red.
"Shall we get out of here my love?" He offers you his hand. You take it and stand grabbing your coat before you leave the restaurant.

(It's quite hard coming up with these and making them a decent length that's why I'm splitting it into 2 parts 😩. I know nobody is reading this book but I want to apologise for lack of updates, I've been super busy. I will try and do better)

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