🎶The story of our lives🎶

820 11 12

Type: fluff


I heard a voice.

A friendly voice.

I turned my head in the direction, eye to eye with a brown haired boy with sparkling golden eyes. He smiled sweetly at me. I gulped as he came closer to me.

"My name is Luke!" He smiled at me, grinning happily. He held his hand out to me, asking me the question, "What's your name?"

I felt worry on my mind, I was scared. I looked away, embarrassed before replying shyly.


"That's a nice name!" He kept smiling at me. I felt a warm feeling inside, like he was special in some way. "Do you want to play tag?"

Oh god. What do I say?

"U-um..." I stuttered, fiddling with my large, oversized purple sweater. "R-Really?"

He nodded, his chestnut locks flapping up and down softly in the wind. "Yeah! Of course!" He sounded so eager.

"B-but won't your friends mind?" I asked quietly. I was so shy.

"No, they won't mind! They love making new friends, just like I do!"


I looked at the ground shyly, "Friend?" I asked, "Y-you want to be my f-friend...?" I stuttered, my heart beating fast.

He gave me the most adorable smile before nodding vigorously. So fast it looked like his head was going to fall off. "Yes!" He jumped up happily before grabbing my hand. "Now come on!"

My eyes widened at the sudden contact between our hands. He started running fast to catch up with the others. He was so much fast than I was. I wasn't very good at running. I was going to be terrible at this game. But I didn't mind. I'd made a new friend. He's my friend.



"Hey, you're getting pretty good at that!" I smiled, impressed with the progress Luke had made with his drumming. He was so talented. I really admired him.

He put the drumsticks down, setting them aside after he'd finished with them, "You really think so?" He was always insecure about his drumming, but I had no idea why. He was so good at it. More than good.

"Yeah!" I smiled at him, "You're amazing, Luke." I felt my cheeks got hot. I've had a crush on Luke for a couple of months now, and I really really liked him.

He looked back at me, I could see the little glimmer of hope in his sunflower eyes. "Thanks Zander..." Was it just me or could I see a rosy tint in his cheeks? Huh, he was probably just tired from playing so much. "But you're so much better than I am!" He looked straight at me. His beautiful eyes sparkled like nothing I'd ever seen. Why was he so perfect?

"Why are you so perfect?"

Oh no. What did I just say?

His face turned red and so did mine. Well, I couldn't exactly see my face but I could feel it burning. "U-uh I didn't mean-"

"Thanks..." He muttered gratefully, looking down at his fingers.

I was still blushing, but somehow managed to enjoy the moment, rather than cringe about it for the rest of my life.


Luke wrote a love song? I didn't know he was interested in songwriting...

"So, Zander... What did you think?" Luke turned to me, gentle lavender meeting fiery golden.

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now