First Date

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To say Kit was nervous would be an understatement.

This was the first time he would be going on a date with his long time crush, Y/n.

Little did he know, Y/n was just as nervous as he was, getting ready in her apartment.

Y/n's POV:

"Okay, you got this." Y/f/n gives me thumbs up, smiling. "Easy for you to say." I turn to face the mirror again, brushing away any imaginary dirt.

"Come on, nothing will go wrong. It's just Kit." The all too familiar sound of my friend's laugh fills the room and I can't help but join in, despite my nerves.

"Yeah, you're right. I just really don't want to mess up." I tell them, looking at my phone to check how much time I have left. 20 minutes.

"Hey, I still have like 20 minutes left. What do you wanna do until then?" The room is quiet for a few seconds, both of us deep in thoughts.

"Let's eat something, I'm really hungry after helping you pick this out." Their finger points my outfit up and down, walking out of my room.

"Okay, okay." I follow after them, seeing them already opening my fridge.

"Hey, you never told me what you were gonna do." Their back is facing me, rummaging through all of my food.

"I honestly have no idea, he said it's a surprise." I chuckle, the memory of Kit asking me out playing in my head.

"That's interesting." Finally, they turn around again, looking at me.

"Really? Why is that interesting?" I grab one of the little snacks they found in the depths of my fridge, looking at them.

"It's not. I just didn't know what to say." They shrug, and I can't help but chuckle at that.

After continuing our playful banter for a few minutes, the doorbell rings, and I look at my phone surprised.

"He's early." Was all I can say, making my way into the hallway.

I'm greeted by a small gust of wind and Kit standing in the hallway of my apartment complex.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask, pulling him in for a hug.

"Oh, I'm great. What about you?" I feel him smile against my neck, his face buried in the spot it always is.

"I'm fine too." We eventually pull apart and I step aside for him. "Here, come in. I just have to grab my purse, then we can head out."

Kit's POV:

Okay Kit, you got this. It's just Y/n, nothing will go wrong.

I close the door behind me, standing in the hallway awkwardly. I don't want to snoop around or anything, so I just check my phone quickly, looking up when I hear steps.

"Hey Kit. She's coming now." Y/f/n tells me and I thank them quickly before they can leave again, disappearing in what I assume to be the kitchen.

Y/n's POV:

I rush into the hallway, where Kit is still waiting for me. "We can go now." I laugh out, opening the door.

Walking next to each other on the pavement in comfortable silence, I remember he never told me what we were going to do.

"Kit?" I ask him, his head shooting up to look at me. "Yeah?" He's holding my hand, his soft and warm hands a contrast to my cold ones.

"Where are we going?" I question, a smile forming on my face when I see his light up at the question. "I'm not telling you, you have to wait and see." He looks proud at that, and I playfully shove him.

"You're so mean to me, I'll never go on a date with you again." His expression changes, and his brown eyes meet my e/c eyes.

"Hey! You should be in for a little fun, also you'll see it in like 2 minutes."

The two minutes he promised me are spent talking about the normal things, how we're doing, etc.

Suddenly, his feet come to a stop and he looks at me.

"Tada!" His arms raised to present the building.

The lights of the many different games in the arcade seem to reflect in Kit's face, even if the sun is only starting to set.

"This is awesome!" I am unable to contain my excitement, dragging him in by the arm.

"Oh we have to do this, I bet you can get me a plushie, right?" Kit asks me, walking over to one of the games.

"Pff, I can definitely get one, but I still have to think about who I'm giving it to." I joke, throwing in a coin. Luckily I had my wallet with me.

"Come on... come on... Oh no!" I laugh at my miserable attempt of winning something and luckily, Kit laughs too.

"Let me help you." He throws in a coin of his own, my hands still on the controller. Before I can remove them though, he places his hands on mine and navigates the claw.

He's looking directly at the claw, but I can see a visible blush cover his cheek, a smile spreading onto his face.

"Oh god, we're so close to winning." I snap out of my daydream and look at the machine, and surprisingly, he is close to winning his toy.

Sadly, the toy escapes the claw and Kit groans out at this. "I was so close to getting it." He pouts, looking at me.

"Hey, there are other games, where you can win something." I laugh, dragging him away from the claw machine.

The rest of the night is spent with playing games while mostly talking. Not only the small talk from before, but also deeper subjects.

By the end of the date, it is pitch black outside and the both of us make our way home together again. "Thank you so much for bringing me home, it's really nice of you." I smile, my entire arm wrapped around his upper one.

"Hey, I can't let you go home alone in the middle of the night, can I? It's nothing you have to thank me for." He smiles, pulling me closer to him, if that is even possible.

Too soon we are at my apartment building again, and now matter how much I will try, saying goodbye is inevitable.

"Well, thank you so much for tonight. It was lovely and I'd love to go on another date with you." I smile, looking at him from my apartment door.

"Really? I mean... I had fun too and I'd also love to go on another date." He grins, pulling me in for a hug.

"Well, I'll leave you alone now." He laughs, and before he can walk away, I kiss him on the cheek softly.

"Goodnight, Kit." I smile, finally opening my door.


Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now