Author's note (IMPORTANT)

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It has come to my attention, that my friend xDumb0bitchx is getting a lot of unnecessary hate by some people who read this book.

I want to say, that they ARE my co-editor/co-writer and I will NOT tolerate any hate against them. I (and some of you guys) own them so much and there would be way less chapters if they didn't help me during a time where I had a lot to figure out.

My page is not one that you can hate other people on, so if you are looking for that, you can leave again. I also want to say that any hate (to anyone) is unacceptable and I will block everyone who decides to spread such a negative message.

I hope the people who spread this stuff know who they are and either decide not to read anything I publish anymore or to stop hating on my friends.

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now