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My mother closed the book she'd read me and tucked me into bed. "Mama, are there real knights in shining armor out there for me? Blonde-haired, blue-eyed ones that ride a noble steed, like in the story?"

My mother laughed softly. "I'm sure there's someone like that out there for you, Penelope."

I snuggled into my bed. "Someday I'll find him..." I sighed, squeezing my teddy bear.

"Someday, you're blue-eyed, blonde haired knight in shining armor will come riding on his horse to your rescue. Just go to sleep now, baby girl." My mother ran her fingers through my hair gently.

"Mama, does that mean I'm a princess?"

"You'll always be my little princess, Penny. Goodnight, sweet angel."

"Goodnight mama."

Author's note
This story is one I will be updating every once in a while-it won't all be published at the same time. Feel free to comment at the end of chapters if you've got ideas! I will keep up the story as long as y'all want-you just have to comment. I will try to update every week or two. If it's been two weeks and I haven't updated, I'm probably insanely busy. If I haven't added more to the story after a month, yell at me because I'm probably dead. I haven't looked for typos, so just ignore them.

Your friendly neighborhood greaser, signing off...
Stay gold y'all ⭐️

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