Chapter III

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After dinner, I helped Darry with the dishes while the other boys played around. "You really don't need to help," he said.

"It's the least I can do. You could use more help around here, anyway. Those boys ain't doin' nothin."

"I suppose you're right."

I cleared off the table and wiped it down. The boys hadn't made as big of a mess as I thought, but I still did what I could to help clean. I had to be careful to stay away from the tomato-based sauce, though. I did all I could and returned to the living room while Darry finished up.

"You wanna ride in next week's weeks rodeo with me, man?" Dallas casually asked me.

I looked around at the other boys, then back at Dally. "I don't have a horse here."

"It don't matter. The stable's got a rowdy one that no one can tame. If you can do it, you can use it. They'll probably let you keep him."



I thought for a moment. I did want to ride—it was one of my favorite things to do. I was just skeptical of this horse Dally mentioned. No one had been able to tame it. Or had anyone really tried?

"We should head over to the stables tomorrow, then. Ya might wanna get riding before the rodeo."

"Let's all go! We can watch Dally and Penny ride!" Sodapop cheered.

Steve stood up. "I'm gonna take Penny home. I guess I'll see y'all tomorrow?"

The boys all said goodbye, and we left. My cousin and I walked in silence for a while. The stars were coming out, and all was quiet. Not many people were out.

"Steve, if I may ask, the room I'm using for the summer—what was it used for before I came?"

My cousin, who was usually tense and tight, loosened up a bit, and seemed a little more vulnerable. "It hasn't been used since before I knew the boys—the first one of 'em I met was Soda, in the second grade." He paused for a moment. "That room was supposed to be... my sister's. My mother and baby sister died during childbirth. You're the only one, besides Sodapop, that I've told."

"Oh, Steve, I didn't know—"

Suddenly, the crunch of tires on gravel broke up our conversation. The headlights were blinding in the dark, so I couldn't make out the vehicle. I shielded my eyes from the sudden light, but I could still hear several pairs of feet making their way towards us.

"Get behind me," Steve whispered. I obeyed immediately.

"Well, well, well. Lookie what we've got here. That greaser girl from the rodeo, and her garbage boyfriend."

I opened my mouth to speak, or correct him, but Steve cut me off quietly. "Don't say a word."

The guys—Socs, I think—seemed awfully drunk still, and they were staggering forward. "Alright, pal. Move over and give us the girl."

"Run," Steve whispered harshly.

I turned and sped off, but I ran right into one of the Socs. He grabbed me and tried to kiss me, but I kneed him and tried to run again. He grabbed my ankle, and I fell to the ground. "Steve! Help!"

"Quiet, broad!" one yelled in a hushed voice. He started to kick me in the side, making my ribs ache terribly.

One Soc dragged me to my feet and pinned my arms to my side. Another held a blade against my cheek. Steve started running toward me, and the Soc, pressed the knife harder against my skin—not enough to cut, though.

"Don't take a single step closer," he growled, and my cousin stopped in his tracks.

I looked at Steve with pleading eyes. I hoped he could tell I wanted him to rescue me—a cut would be better than whatever the Socs were planning—but I didn't dare speak.

Steve started towards me again, barreling any guy that got in the way. The Soc pushed the tip of the blade into my cheek, and slowly ran it further down with every step my cousin took.

I bit my lip to hold back my screams. Pain seared through my cheek, and I couldn't help but cry out. Tears ran down my face, the salty drops making it sting worse. "Help," I whispered, clenching my fists. I was afraid I'd pass out if someone didn't do something. Steve pushed over the Soc that had me pinned, and we both tumbled down.

"Run to the lot," Steve sternly instructed.

I got up and started running as fast as I could. I had a slight limp to my stride, and my ribs felt like they were on fire. The scariest part, though, was that I could feel the warm, sticky liquid seeping down my face. I finally got to the vacant lot and collapsed to the ground in pain. Warm tears mixed with the blood trickling down my cheek, dripping onto the dry grass.


I looked up to find Johnny sitting on the ground. "J-Johnny, what're you doin' here?"

"My parents were... it don't matter right now. What happened to you?"

"Th-the Socs... they found me," I cried.

Johnny scooted over and put his arm around me. "It'll be alright, Penny. It'll be alright." He let me cry for a few minutes, but he eventually helped me up. "C'mon. Let's go back to Pony's house."

"But Steve t-told me t-to—"

"Next place he'll look after the lot is the house. Just trust me."

I nodded and followed him. Darry, Soda, Pony, and Dally were the only ones still there when we walked in. Sodapop, who was sitting on the couch, jumped to his feet when he saw me. "What in the world happened?"

"She got jumped," Johnny said for me.

"Where's Steve?"

I shrugged. "H-he told me t-to run."

"Alright. Hey, Darry!" Soda hollered into the other room.

"Yeah?" he yelled back.

"Grab the first aid kit!"

Darry grabbed it and walked into the room. He was immediately concerned.

Darry cleaned my cut, and bandaged my side and ankle.

"Where are the Socs?" Dally asked, out of the blue.

"I dunno, near Steve's house?"

Dallas stormed out of the house in that direction. "Don't get jailed!" Darry yelled.

Author's note
So... that happened. You are welcome, I suppose? Don't worry, it's important. Anyway...

Your friendly neighborhood greaser, signing off...
Stay gold y'all ⭐️

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