Chapter XXXII

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I quickly made sure I looked presentable, and went to answer the back door, although, it did seem a little strange that no one was at the front door. I swung the back door open. "Darry?"

"C'mon out Penny."

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight, I had to let my eyes focus for a minute. I could make out the outline of some tables and chairs, and some people... I could tell the gang was there... and... I squinted for a moment. My family was there!

Tears started filling my eyes, and I ran toward them. I was enveloped in a big hug—mama was there, and daddy was there, and Greg and Gene and Rod. There were even some people I didn't recognize. I didn't want

My mother gestured toward the strangers. "Penelope, this is your brother, Chester. He's the oldest out of y'all and went missing years ago." She paused for a moment to smile. "He's finally back. This is his wife, Stella, and his kids, Dorothy and Lorraine."

I gave each of them a hug. "It's nice to meet you," was all I could think to say. I mean, I couldn't say 'It's so good to finally meet you,' or anything, because I hadn't really known about him.

We all found a chair and sat down at the tables. It felt spectacular to be around my friends and family again, especially now that I could remember all the good times I'd had with them. Everyone seemed so happy and carefree. It was nice for change.

I noticed no one had sat down next to me, but I didn't give it a second thought. Suddenly, someone put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who."

I swear my heart stopped for a moment. I knew that voice anywhere. That gruff voice that had developed tenderness and humanity. That slight New York accent that I'd went wild over. That voice that made my heart leap every time I heard it.


I spun around, and an overwhelming feeling of exhilaration and happiness overcame me. Nothing at that moment could be better than looking into Dally Winston's eyes.

One week later, I was looking into those same, icy blue, yet tenderly deep eyes again. "I do."

Author's note
Well folks... that's the end! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!
Read the author's note in the next part to find out about the... sequel 😏

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