Chapter XVII

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I sat at the Curtis kitchen table, playing a board game with Ponyboy. He was borrowing it from a neighbor, who had told him he had to try it. It was a Beatles board game that had just come out, and even though Pony didn't like the Beatles, we were playing it. To win, you had to collect all four cards that corresponded with the Beatle you were playing as. For hating the Beatles, Pony sure knew a lot.

"The world's over! I'm done for!" My cousin's anxious and stressed voice sounded muffled through the front door.

The door flung open, and Steve and Sodapop walked into the room. Steve collapsed onto the couch, pulling his hair.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

Soda laughed. "He heard a song on the radio the other day—"

"Which one?"

"Car Crazy Cutie by The Beach Boys. Anyway, there's this new girl that works at the DX, and she's just like the one in the song—she's a real looker, and she knows cars inside out and upside down." He looked at Steve. "She's as good with cars as Steve, and..."

"He fell in love, didn't he."

"Madly. He couldn't even say a word right to her," Soda laughed.

Steve sat up hurriedly. "What am I gonna do?"

I laughed. "Steve, calm down. What's this girl's name?"


"Alright. Pretend I'm Wendy." I sat down on the couch beside my cousin. "Hey, Steve! You ready for work today?"

"Yeah, I am. Penny, this isn't working. All I see is my cousin."

"Then close your eyes and imagine her saying the words." I shifted to signal that we were starting over. "Hey, Steve! You ready for work today?"

Steve had his eyes closed. "S-sure. Yep, t-totally ready f-for w-work."

"It was worse than that when he was trying to talk to her," Soda laughed.

We all thought for a moment. We had to think of something—something to help Steve talk to this girl. He'd gone out with many girls before, but this had never happened. Suddenly, I lit up.

"Steve, maybe me pretending to be her won't work. I've got this idea, and Soda, I'll need your help. Steve, you're gonna talk to Wendy tomorrow, and you're gonna imagine that it's me. You're gonna ask her out on a group date, and it's gonna feel weird, like you're asking me out. Soda, you're gonna find a date, and I'll bring Dally." I turned back to my cousin. "That way, we're there if you need. By the end of the night, you should be able to talk to her."

The boys' mouths were hanging open. "Penelope, you're a genius."

The next afternoon, I was back at the record store. My parents started letting me work short shifts, although I could've worked longer. Anyway, I was organizing the rock and roll shelf when Soda burst in, dragging Steve behind him.

I cocked an eyebrow. "And?"

Steve looked bewildered and shocked. "I did it. I asked her out."

"Nearly scared her away, though," Soda laughed under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

"And when is this date?"

Steve calmed down for a moment and stopped hyperventilating. "Tonight, at six. It was the only time she was free this week."

For a brief moment, it seemed suspicious that she had so little time off. If she was working the same shifts as Steve, she wasn't working night. School was out for a few more weeks, so unless she was on a sports team—it dawned on me that if she liked to work on cars, she might be in for sports as well—then she shouldn't have that much time taken up. If she was even thinking about seeing another guy while she dated Steve...

"What takes up so much of her time? Is she on a sports team?" I asked cautiously.

"No, it's worse."

"It's worse in that it makes Steve like her a whole ton more," Soda clarified.

I was suddenly curious. "What is it?"

Steve took a deep breath. "She's the bass guitarist for a rock and roll band."

My jaw dropped. "Really?"

"Yeah. She goes by Willow when she's with her group. They're working on writing an album."

"Well, if they ever get it on record, tell her my family owns the best record store in the state, and we'll sell it for her. What are the plans for tonight?"

"I've got it all planned," Soda started. "We'll start by taking you ladies to a movie—that one, I can't remember what it's called, it just came out a couple months ago..."

"The Sound of Music," Steve cut in.

"Yes, that one. We'll take you gals to see that movie, then we'll drive over to the Dingo. We were hesitant about taking y'all there, since it can get pretty rough sometimes, but evenings quiet down—everyone else has their dates."

I smiled. "Well, if it's tonight, I gotta go home and get ready. I gotta call Dallas, too." I paused for a moment. "Soda, did you find a date?"

He laughed. "Funny story, actually. It turns out Wendy has a twin sister—Wanda—who drives in drag races, rides in rodeos, and writes poetry every night before she goes to sleep. I've been set up with her."

"I know Wanda, from the rodeos! I didn't know she had a twin. Alrighty, then. I'll see y'all tonight!"

I told my parents I was headed home, and I left hurriedly. I stopped by the lot to see if Dallas was there, then checked the Curtis house. He wasn't there, so I ran home to call him. On the way to my house, I saw a familiar figure, leaning against a tree. "Hey, Dallas!"

"Good afternoon, Penny! What are ya up to?"

"Remember that whole plan I told you about last night? Well, the date's tonight, and I gotta get ready. You probably should, too."

Dally smiled. "Alright then, princess. I'll pick you up this evening."

Author's note
Well guys, here's another chapter. The coming chapter(s) are gonna be a bit rough, so buckle up, and know it is not my fault. Anyway, thank you all for your support, especially RiJayne16 and renegade_readerA5 renegade_readerA5 is working on a story, so if any of you have an extra time, she'd love more readers and suggestions!

Your friendly neighborhood greaser, signing off...
Stay gold y'all ⭐️

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