Author's note about sequel

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Alrighty... I had a TON of fun writing this story! All stories, however, must come to an end. Penny and Dally's story is over. Although, this story is done, I couldn't bear to leave the world I'd created. So, I will be writing a sequel, a new story. It will be called...


I hope you give that a look, and remember: I'll be writing it over time. I started My Knight in Shining Armor way back in April, so please be patient. Of course, still comment with ideas for me to add, correct me when I make a mistake, and message me when I seem dead.

Of course with this new story, I will still make silly mistakes and use dumb plots and over exaggerate a ton. That's just what comes with being a writer, and a teenager. I'm sure some of you can relate. Just... don't judge me, alright? My fan fiction is my release.

To the dear characters we've lost along the way, adieu. Thanks to renegade_readerA5 for that

Now that I've been rambling on for ages, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing. Oh, and one more thing: I might also start writing a prequel to My Knight in Shining Armor. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about that.

Love ya my friends, and thanks for the support!

Your friendly neighborhood greaser, signing off...
Stay gold y'all ⭐️

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