chapter 27: he found me (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Ever since we came back from collecting Denki's stuff at his parents house, he's been happier. He's not as scared anymore for the holidays cause he has to go back to his parents. Now he can just go to our new house. And denki has been loving it. Almost everyday he will take a bath, just to relax in the warm water.

"Star I'm gonna take a bath okay" denki yelled as I was cooking.

"Again!? You already took one yesterday!" I yelled back, while continuing chopping the potato . Hearing quick steps on the stairs, I chuckled. Oh denki, you're such an idiot. But you're my idiot.

"Need help cooking?" Shin asked me, walking in. Nodding, he grabbed an apron.

"Is sãnda sleeping?" I asked him. He nodded, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Denki taking a bath again?"

"I think that was the best purchase we ever made" I laughed, shin laughing as well.

"It sure is" He chuckled. "But we really gotta tell him to stop taking so many baths. Our water bill is gonna be huge"

"Let him be for now. We still have 2 days left of summer holiday, then he has to take showers again." I said, wrapping my arms around shin's waist.

"Fine, but he really gotta stop having so many baths. I don't wanna get a heart attack when I see the bill" he sighed, rubbing his face. "But can I help?"

"Yes, can you chop the vegetables? I still need to make the rice" He nodded, taking the knife from me. "You want spicy curry or mild curry?"

"No non spicy curry?"

"That doesn't exist in my dictionary" Dumb boy. non spicy, who even does that? Who even likes that?! Not me, give me the spice.

"Then mild. The last time I almost burned my taste buds off" He chuckled. It wasn't even that spicy, he's overreacting. But okay, mild it'll be.


"Denki, dinner is ready!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Yes I yelled at him, even though sãnda is sleeping. We made sure she's used to loud noises so that we don't have to tiptoe around the house. And let me tell you, best idea ever! I can just vacuum around the house, and she won't wake up.

"Coming star!" He yelled back. Walking back to the kitchen I checked on the curry. Plating the food, denki walked into the living room with only a towel around his waist. "That bath was amazing" He sighed, sitting down.

"Glad you enjoyed it so much" I giggled, handing him his food.

"Oeh curry! Thanks star" He said, happily munching on it.

"Kitten you should've gotten dressed first, don't want you catching a cold" Shin said, rubbing denki's arm.

"I'm fine toshi" Denki said, his mouth full of rice. Gosh denki eats like a kid sometimes. "I'm exited to go to school though. I do gotta miss my baths" He fake cried. Denki we got baths at school.

"I'm glad to go to school as well. Only I don't like putting sãnda in daycare" I frowned. UA has a daycare for students with kids. We are obligated to send out kids there, even if we don't want to. Having a kid in class is a distraction.

"Do we have enough formula? Otherwise I gotta stop by the store real quick" Shin asked denki. Denki mostly breastfeeds but when we he's not there, he will use formula.

"Uhm, we have enough. I went yesterday to pick up a new pack" Denki said.

"I didn't know you went to the store" I said, lifting my eyebrow in confusion.

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