Chapter Six: First Stop.

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I was just about to follow her until I remembered something...

"Alice," she turned to me. "My Aunt knows who I am!"


Alice looked at me with a confused expression. "Well she should, she is your Aunt," she told me.

"Yes, but she didn't even look at me after you slayed the Jabberwocky. How can she recognise me if she's never seen me?" I asked a little freaked out.

"You forget Anna, you look like your mother... your not hard to miss... you know, we should disguise you, the people here might get suspicious that you look like the Que-Princess," she tells me.

"Your probably right, as usual," I tell her.

Before we go into the town, we somehow managed to find a hat to cover my hair; I French Twist my hair and held it in place with the hat.

"There, that should do it," Alice said grabbing my hand and leading us both into town.

We walk into a market; people selling fruits, and vegetables, handmade woodcrafts, fabrics... that's where we spotted a familiar top-hat.

"Hatter?" Alice asked approaching the man, I wanted to stop her as we're in a different time and he won't know us, but part of me wants to see him too; so I follow Alice.

"Hatter," she says again grabbing his shoulder, he turns to us quickly with a red fabric covering his face; he lowers it and is a bit startled by our presence. "It's you," Alice exclaims, hugging a confused Hatter; I wanted to hug him as well, but by the look on his face, he's clearly uncomfortable.

"Well if I'm not I wish I was," he said as Alice let him go. "Have we met?"

"Yes, well no, I mean not yet," Alice ranted.

"It's funny I feel like I should know you," he said looking at her.

"We have once, when I was younger," she told him.

"Well I'm afraid I don't recall," he said.

"Well that's because it hasn't happened yet," she explained.

"Ohh, when will it happen?" He asked.

"Years from now... when you're older," she answered.

"I'll meet you when you're younger and I'm older?" He asked, trying to understand.

"I realise it doesn't make much sense," Alice said.

"Makes perfect sense to me, I'm Tarrant," he said shaking her hand.

"I know, I'm Alice," she said.

"Alice, you seem to have time all mixed up," he told her, still shaking her hand.

"Oh he's not mixed up at all, actually he's quite angry at me... oh and my sister too," she told him.

"Sister?" He questioned.

Alice turned to me. "Yes, my sister. This is Annalise," she introduced me.

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