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Creator: “Hello every one, I’m creator”
Liu: “And I’m Liu”
Creator: ”Today I’m going to tell you a story about Running Man Animation x Fem.Reader and there will be a lots of season but for now I will make season 1-2 first because I didn’t watch the season 3 and the season 4 of the Running Man Animation also I watch this in my TV and Youtube form RunningMan Animation”
Liu: “Wait…… who is the reader?”
Creator: “You will find out soon Liu cUWUc”
Liu: “Well I hope she will not betray us like Lonky did”
Creator: “Wow how could you, you said that she is loyal and she don’t like BETRAY people ok *Glare*”
Liu: “Ye-yes creator….. *sweatdrop*”
Creator: “ok that’s all for today the announcement will be close and I will make the story. Sorry if it wrong or didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
Liu & Creator: “We hope you enjoy the story. Bye everyone”

Running Man Animation x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now