Chapter 1

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CM pov~
Today is the day of the Running Man championship, Victoria and I woke up at 4 am in the morning we took a bath, I wore a dress that I made and took our stuff we needed and we had breakfast with my family who was already a woke. After we finished breakfast Victoria, Sai and I flew away to the tree city gate it need 2 hours. When we react "Big sis pls be careful of the minigames and I will miss you big sis." Sai said while hugging me and Victoria also try to hold the tear, me and Victoria hug him back. "I will miss you too little brother." I said with a soft smile. "Esk esk. " said Victoria with a soft tone. "Bye Big sis, good luck!" Sai said and then he flied away "Bye Sai!/Esk es!" Me and Victoria said it together. "Welcome to the first challenge of the running man championship only the representative of the selected tribes may enter this competition is not over to the public please now insert your participant card" said the gate .I took the participants card form my bag, Insert it in the card hole and twist it. "The seven finalist for the one hundred running man championship will now enter" the gate said while openning the gate and Victoria and I looked at it in happy face. "Please step on the airpod" the gate said, I walked until stepping the airpod with Victoria and the top started moving, scanning me and Victoria. "Scanning in progress Identity verified CM Afton/Emily of the Eagle tribe now moving to the starting point" the airpod said with flying forward. While the airpod moving forward me and Victoria look the scenery a round. "The openning game for the running man championship will begin shortly" the airpod said as I saw the other contestants and obersing them.
The first one was a Penguin with an orange hoodie and big round glasses.
The second, was a light pink cat with her pink hair in a ponytail, it's wearing black heel reached in her thigh, a short and short shirt.
The third, was a giraffe who looked like a prince with it's hair and wearing. While I was looking at him, he look to me and give me a flying kiss... 'He must be the cocky one' I said using telepathy with Victoria and she nod.
The fourth contestant was a monkey with blue hoodie who was dangling in the airpod and he looked to me giving me a wink, I ignored the wink and looked at the fifth contestant.
The fifth contestant was a sleeping Impala with green scarf and a cane stuck with a portion on top. 'He must be a healer one huh' I said to myself
The sixth contestant was a Tiger with a big arm's and he is topless. 'He must be the stronger one' I said to Victoria whispering
I looked at the eight one but no one there even the airpod 'it seems the eight contestant is late' I said to my self, my number was seven beside the contestant six. While waiting the eight contestant I took my phone from my bag and grap an earphones to listening to music with Victoria.

No one pov~
CM didn't notice that the other contestant look at me admiring my beauty and surprised seeing a new creature beside me.

CM pov~
After Victoria and I listening to music I heard someone voice "Huh? Were starting already?" The eight contestant said while I looked back.
Th eight or the last contestant was a bug with a big leg and wearing a brown hood, an orange jacket and a light brown pants with a brown circle on the inside of it. 'So this is the last contestant huh this game going to be interesting.' I said to Victoria with telepathy and smirk. "Each player will wear revelant item and select their own pattern the person who plants their chard slide first is the winned." Tha gate said while Victoria jump to my shoulder. "Please chose form one of the eight boxes you are not allowed to discord the random item until you cast the path of choice however when trading item with another player is allowed." Said the robot. When the robot finished talking, I touch one of the boxes and something seems to be in my feet. "It's Running Time! The first aid on the Running Man Championship don't walk run start's now" said the robot. I ran fast and then jump to see the road then I fell so hard to the ground. "Oww" I said looked at the foot, I surprised and faceplam what the boxes gave me.

"Why! From all the other except this spike cain ball!" I said with a surprised and sad face "Esk

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"Why! From all the other except this spike cain ball!" I said with a surprised and sad face "Esk..." Said Victoria with Sweatdrop. "Well it's not time to be doing other thing I need to focus winning the Running Man Championship." I said while holding the spike cain ball than I ran as fast as I could the I see the bug one who look troubled with a heavy mental shoes. I was running but I can not hold it the I went running to the bug "keep jumping" I whisper to him and keep on running, the bug hear me what I said and he doing it. Then I was already one, one of the gate door. "When the door opens you must past through a randomly selected path of choice and you are not aloud to discord the item you have chosen until you reached the end of the path please press the button."said the robot. "Okay here goes nothing!" Said me with pressing the button of the door. As I presses the button, the blue cube appeared on hologram as the door opened with cold breeze until Victoria shivers. "You selected the path of ice" said the robot. "You okay Victoria?" Asked me to Victoria "Eeesssskkk~" said Victoria with shivering. "Victoria, you need to go inside my bag okay?" Said me with a worry tone. "Esk esk essskk" said Victoria with disappointment tone. "Okay you can come out when it is warm okay?" Said me "esk" said Victoria while going inside my bag then I start running then skating with my spike cain ball.

No one pov~
So the first person openning the gate was CM, all the other contestants look surprised that she was the first person reach the gate and the other still on the way to the gate.

CM pov~
'I can't believe this is so fun' said me to myself with a happy face then I notice the pillars of ice was cracking and falling. I dogged the falling pillars after I dogged half of the pillars I heard a voice form behind, I slow down to see who is the person behind me. "Hot" the penguin said then throw the fire card to the pink cat "no no no" the pink cat said then throw again to the penguin. "Guys, can you guys stop playing with the fire, the ice is melting because of the fire." Said me to both of them "here then" the penguin said throw the card to me, I control the fire until the fire bannised on the card, both of them looked surprised about my ability. "Here your card back, also don't used it again when it was ice like this" said me to the penguin with a soft smile, and hand over the card, the penguin is blushing on the cheek include the pink cat to until I saw a light. "I guess this is is" I said with a smirk then all the contestants jump. "You have all entered the path of the maze all items will disappear now the first contestants who reached down their flag is the winner go go GO" said the robot. The item that we wear vanished, "ra ta ta taa full speed ahead" the penguin said with laughing then the pink cat, tiger and bug ran past him "hey" said the penguin, I ran tho him "do you need me to throw you?" I asked to the penguin "oh yes pls" said the penguin with a happy face then I throw him. I running to find away to the platform but the wall were in the way, I decided to jump high, but suddenly heard a girl screaming and by the time I looked up I felt something on my arm and when I looked it was the pink cat, she looked up at me staring at me a while then I land on the ground, let her out of my arm and she just stared at me and ran away while I ran to the opposite way. When I was about to enter the yellow circle it disappeared."huh?!" Said me with confusion face.

"The game is over, the openning game of the one hundredth Running Man Championship is now over the winner is-" said the robot who were announcing while the other except me and Victoria who just came out from my bag were on the ground looking dumb founded while the tiger was about to celebrate. "YEAH!" Said the tiger "LONKY" said the robot, the tiger was surprised when he heard Lonky's name but suddenly the chor stick let out Lonky's face with his tongue out and the tiger faced in the screen behind him. "Looks like I tricked him again ghost assure you have to be smart to win the game, Kuga kuga my boy he's not threat before but more like a big baby, he's ferocious but not much for brain's Hahahaha Sorry Kuga HAHAHAHAHAHA but will you get me out of here I've stucked here forever you know" said Lonky in the screen. 'So the giraffe name is Lonky and the tiger name is Kuga, also Lonky was asked to get beaten by Kuga huh" said me to myself. "Grrrrrr rrrrr AAAAAAAAAHHHHH" screamed Kuga with anger.

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