Before the game of the Running Man Championship start part 1

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After CM was trun into an orb then she was threw from the soul tree where Ulcus live inside.

After CM was trun into an orb then she was threw from the soul tree where Ulcus live inside

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CM was throwed and people saw it like a shooting star. The orb fell on the island where the eagles tribe live beside the city. The leader and the clan of the eagle tribe saw the orb fell and went to the direction of the smock was. When orb landed on the island it will turn to be a person back with a new dress or shirt.They saw a woman(CM) they looked surprised that they saw a human alive but it have some wings?. They think for a minute and they snap form their thought and brought the woman to the leader house.

CM pov~
I just woke up and I realized that I was in a room. I look left right no one there, I was confused "who bought me here?" I asked myself .Then I heard someone knocking the door and came in the room. First I saw a weird creature with a black feathered. "who are you?! And what is this place?!" I asked with surprised and confused. "You're in the eagle tribe and I'm the leader of the tribe named Daniel" one of the creature said with the black feathered. "Also what is your name young girl?" The leader asked. "My name was CM Afton/Emily Mr can call me CM" I answered. Then I heard a kids voice "Dad is that a human this was my first time saw a human " said the kid. I was surprised when I heard what the kids saying that it was the first time the kid saw a human "wait what?!?!?" I said in surprised "well you see... In this world there is no human and this was my first time saw a human" said Daniel the leader "also I'm Sai the leader son" said the kid. "Nice to meet you Sai" I said with a soft smile face. "Young girl how did you land this island without a wound?" Daniel asked "Well I was turn to be an orb and send by a god name Ulcus" I answered then saw Daniel and Sai face surprised "WHAT GOD ULCUS SEND YOU?!?!?!" screamed Daniel and Sai while covering my ears. "Pls don't screaming" I said after I covering my ear "sorry" said Daniel and Sai. "So do you know where to lived?" Asked Daniel "I don't know where to lived" I said in disappointed and sad. "Oh it's okay you can lived with me and my family's" said Daniel, I look at him with surprised "but we're they okay with that?" I asked "of croused they will ,they were listening to our conversation form the star till the end" said Daniel and he trun behind him and Sai also looked behind "Mommy you are here!" Said Sai with happy face "It's okay Sai Mommy is here, also my name is Russi and I'm the wife of the leader. And yes you can stay at our house" said a woman "really thank you" I said with a happy face. Then they show their house and my room. My room is in Sai room so we were room mate.

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