Chapter 2

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3rd person pov~
Outside of the Tree City you can see the soul Tree as the camera moves in the running man contestants.

"Ohh~ Yes yes it's me the champion Lonky~" said Lonky as the drum began to play, CM looked at him with sweatdrop and let out a sigh, a little bit then look at the screen.

"Soul Tree it's fruit was the source of energy for civilization. However many were blinded by it's ultimate power which led to never ending battle amongst the tribes desperate to put an end to this catastrophic wars the leader's of each tribe finally reach the peace of unite that resulted in competition one player from each tribe equipped with special watches and shield should compete against each other for a chance to win the materion the sacred fruit of the soul tree and those brave contestants who strives to succeed in each competition are known as The Running Man. "The screen ended playing and crowds can be heard cheering loudly, as a robot pop out of nowhere.
"Ladies and gentlemen, contestants, and great members of the audience I'm your castor 03-32 and it's a great pleasure to introduce to you the host of the 100th running man championship the symbol of well fed honor, The Fantastic Legendary, and Elegant CHARMING GOLD!!!!!" Said The castor as the crowds go wild.

Mean While with Charming Gold~
"Charming gold Sir. that's your cue" said the robot while Charming Gold put a glass of wine?? On the robot head "oh?" Said Charming Gold "Break a leg sir." Said the robot.

3rd person pov~
Me and the others watched as the bridged started to lower itself to reveal the host. They watched as he gracefully waltzed down the path, announcing his presence to the audience as the camera's got closer to him as he raised his hand to swiped his hair to his neck as the spotlig6 directed at him as he pose. "Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the Running~ man~ Championship." Said Charming Gold as the Soul Tree started to glow and he started posing until 03-32 stop the screen.

"Beepop Beepop Beep. Now here are the rules of the running man Championship." Said the castor as he pointed to the screen. "The Running man championship is comprise of Three solo matches, Three team matches, and Three final matched. A total of nine matches. Each contestants will wear's a watch on their wrist and the shield on their back, they can steal their opponents shield with their watch to tag them out of the match." Then switch to the castor "Also their are few special rules and items on each rounds that wields points." Then switch back to the screen "Whoever has the highest score will be the final winner and will take home the price of the Materion the fruit of the soul tree."

CM pov~
I listening what the castor and the screen said, I tap the screen in front of me with my tribe symbol on it, as I felt something on my back and a watch on my wrist. "Wow this is so cool I never see this before" said me to myself then Victoria came out form my bag to my shoulder "ESK~" said Victoria with a sparkling eyes.

"In edition to tagging your opponents, the watches also provide GPS Navigation, Vision crews and communication between your teammates. Don't forget you will be knock out of the games when your shield get's stolen so you get that?" Said the castor as I looked at the watch and taped on it and the map of the stadium came out as a hologram. "Woah this is so cool I never know about it." Said me to Victoria "Esk sk es!" Said Victoria with a happy tone then I began to spin the hologram as Charming Gold began speaking.
"Are you ready?" He asked the crowd as it goes wild "Are your ready? It's..... Running Time!" Said Charming Gold as the fireworks shoot up in the sky. 'Wow it's so cool it been a long time I didn't see it...' Said me in my mind.

As Lonky's airpod suddenly got higher and Kuga's were down. While the rest of us didn't move. "The place of each pod indicate the current ranking of the opening game Lonky is at the top, Coming in last place is Kuga is way down in the bottom." Said the cascor. "Why is he down there huh? -Didn't he win?" Asked the Impala as the penguin hologramed himself in front of the dear. "Shh-shh. Man your really clueless Huh?!-" said the penguin as the Impala humed while Kuga gritted his teeth in anger. I looked at Kuga with sweat dropping thinking something about to happen.

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