Chapter 3

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No one pov~
"Attention Running Man Constants pls report to the game stage 5 minits till the game begins, I repeat 5 minits." Said the announcement robot with us ran to our airpond to get ready for the next game. When we standed at our airpond.

CM pov~
*Whoos* the airpond lead me down liked falling. I didn't scream because I already knew this was going to happen, including hear the other screaming. When I arrived at the next game "stage stocking complete" Said the announcement while I was looking around expecting the room. "Oh. Hello CM." Said Miyo while walking to me. "Hello Miyo, didn't know you are there." Said me waving and running to her. "This game will take place in the Hall Hero which is commerce the hero from ancient war matirien." Said the announcement robot as we looked at the statue. "Pls ansambel in central hall." Said the announcement robot. As me and Miyo ran to the place where we meet everyone else.

No one pov~
When we reach the central hall the robot came out and show, Charming Gold hologram with a flower rose and he smell the rose. "Welcome, it's good to see you. We have a little covers, that yesterday opening ceremony didn't we?" Said Charming Gold as CM saw Kuga face who is holding anger. CM looked back at Charming Gold who is giggling "don't worry, don't worry, this time you won't be dicepline I made sure you were accused, although I'm afraid this something happens again, you will brought the disappointment board and whoever who is involved will be banned for the game forever along with their tribe." Said Charming Gold as we all tried to hide the shivering and not to make people disappointment."My friends the stages one of my new game begins right now." Said Charming Gold as his hologram dissapear. "Mr. Lonky!" Said the robot with turning to Lonky direction "Yes?" Said Lonky "Since you were the winner of the opening game you can to go first, pls select the order for the eight constants." Said the robot. "Really! Cool." Said Lonky with a happy tone. "You must choose carefully Lonky, the order it very important in this game, pls touch your watch." Said the robot as Lonky touched his watch and showed everyone ring tribe. Lonky made the order but did it wrong line "*yawning why did you get so excited about?" Said Pala as Lonky made it again, it was good liked he wanted. "Lets go." Said Lonky "Okay!" Said the robot as it took all the emblem.

As the robot told us the rule of the game and how to do it, then Charming Gold hologram appear. "Running man player are you ready." Said Charming Gold. "Yeah!" Said Liu, Popo, Lonky and Gai. "It's~ Running time!" Said Charming Gold as he throw the rose on the ground. People looked at it with confusion and than the wall appear. "The first monster is Lonky. " said the announcement. "Here I'm, Lonky the opening game winner." Said Lonky as the other walked away. "Better hangon with does bell hihi." Said Lonky as the game started.

"Monster-monster what time is it?" Said Gai. "Let's see 2 or~ maybe 3~ o'clock, I don't know~." Said Lonky while the other except CM and Kuga disappointed. "Lonky will you stop fooling around!" Said Miyo. "I see you in hurry to loss the game~, 4 o'clock!" Said Lonky as the other walked. Kuga and CM breathe in, breathe out and Jump 4 time at the same time and made the other contestants except the monster surprised. 'Is that an earthquake?! What's going on I'm afraid to looked behind me." Said Lonky "Lonky~" said Kuga whispering to him. "A-already?!" Said Lonky with panicking. "Wh-what is going on?!" Said Liu as Popo, Miyo, Gai and Pala mouth drop. "Oh gee~ it's really you the greatest man Kuga standing right behind me?" Said Lonky whole Kuga was about to took him emblem. "Ah! Someone Make Him Stop!" Said Lonky with whining. "Monster-monster what time is it?" Said CM. "Take it take it! Go on you going to caught me anyway." Said Lonky hit his head on the wall as Kuga grap his neck "Why are you crying it's just a game~." Said Kuga with a smirk. "It's meal time!" said Lonky as he wanted to snatched but fail. He scream in pain and try to take Kuga ball, but Kuga already take his emblem.

CM pov~
When I went back to the started place hearing music on my phone with Victoria. When me and Victoria hearing music on my phone, Victoria and I heard the other contestants whispering, so we ecided to eardrop the other contestants who was whispering, except Lonky and Kuga. "The next monster is Gai." Said the announcement "Give all your bell to me!" Said Gai than closed his ears with both of his hand. "Guys your being so selfish. Stop it! just forget about that!" Said Liu "forget what's wrong?!" Said Gai, Miyo and Popo together and made Liu sigh. Kuga throw Lonky away and ready for the next game.

After 4 round, Lonky, Gai, Miyo and Popo point 0 they fail no matter how lower the number were they still didn't get a chance to get a point. Then they made a plan, called *Operation Bell Strom*, 'Well that planed should worked but sadly he jump backward, fronted of the hunter' said me in my mind and that really happened. "I'm so closed." Said Liu "Not closed enough!" Said the other except Me and Kuga. "The next monster is CM!" Said the announcement as I went to the wall with Victoria.

"Monster-monster what time is it?" Said Liu. "1 o'clock." Said me as Kuga jump high and wanted to took my emblem, but I dissapear because I used teleport leaving the other confusion. (Yes CM learn teleport and shadow sneak the night after the opening game.) "It's meal time~." Said me as I teleport behind Lonky and snatched his ball. "Wait what?!?!" Said Lonky in confusion as I jump in his shadowed. I jump from my shadowed and snatched the Miyo, Gai and Popo ball as Kuga tried to catch me, hide in Popo shadowed. "How?!?!" Said Gai with surprise face. I jump again from Pala shadowed and took his ball from him, as I saw Liu jump trying to escape.

Liu pov~
I saw the other ball was taken by CM except me and Kuga hasn't. I ran and then jumped so high on the air. 'Hhmm? That's weird she was behind me a few minut ago?' Said me looking back. As I look forward "WAIT HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" Said me with surprise face as I saw CM in front of me. "What's wrong? Are you afraid cute boy~?" Said CM whispering to me as she snatched the ball from me.

CM pov~
After I snatched Liu ball, leaving him alone blushing like tomato. 'He is cute boy when he get blushing~' said me in my mind as I snapped tried to take Kuga ball.

No one pov~
As we all saw CM tried to take Kuga ball but sadly he hold CM face and took her emblem.  CM point 7, Lonky, Liu, Gai, Popo and Miyo 0 point. As you guys know the winner is Kuga. The robot shows Charming Gold hologram, "this was just a minigame and things are already start to heating up!" Said CG as Kuga was in the laser cage. "Now are you ready to play for real this time?" Said CG.

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