Chapter 4

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No one pov~
After Charming Gold put a laser cage on Kuga, we went back to airpond show us where to go next. As we arrived at the destination, we saw Charming Gold, "Ladies and gentlemen~." Said Charming Gold as the crowd cheer him. "Welcome to the first match of the Running Man Championship and now the games are ready to begin." Said Charming Gold as the building appeared. As the robot appeared "The bell hunter!" Said the robot as the system began to explain how to do it and how player can win (yes I'm lazzy to explain. :l )

CM pov~
'So the hunter must hide the marble... huh, this is going to interesting.' Said me with a smirk as I looked the other hologram appeared in front of me except Kuga. "Uuuhhh~ I don't know I will able get this no time. How can we let Kuga be a hunter." Said Liu. "Well someone did mess up." Said Miyu. "Hey that wasn't my fault! Now let's work together go team!" Said Lonky. Than the sistem continue explain about the Hunter wearing 7 bell, the time that the hunter will be released after 5 minits on the bottom floor and the time of the game will be 30 minits.

Then there hologram appeared again but this time I ignored most of the people said. "Alright come on now you guys, Lonky is right, it's not a such a bad idea. " Said Liu. "Lonky already got two strike against you. You betray us again KKEEHH!" Said Miyu with an angry tone I think. "Guys. It's me Lonky prince of giraffe." Said Lonky as the other turned off their hologram including mine. "Are you ready~ *the crowd cheered on the left*. Are you ready~ *the crowd cheered on the right*. It's Running time!" Said Charming Gold as we flew to pick the floor with riding on the airpond. Lonky and Popo went to the 3 floor, I join Miyu and Gai on the 2 floor, Liu and Pala went to the 1 floor.

I saw Gai dumped on Miyu airpond "Are you following me?!" Said Miyu. "No, I was just going where you were." Said Gai as he winked at Miyu. "Since we were here now let's team up." Said Gai as Miyu went away from Gai. "It's okay Gai you will team up with her someday." Said me whispering to him. "Really! Thanks CM." Said Gai whispering back to me. We went inside the building to find the marble for 4 minit. Since everyone find marbles, I decided to use my ability 'Searched the marble.' Said me in my mind as the building glow and show me where the marble were.

"CM what just happen?!" Said Miyo and Gai looked at me with surprise face. 'Oops. I forget they were here.' Said me in my mind. "Oh it's my ability to find the marble." Said me to them "Really cool!" Said Gai "So do you know where the marbles are?" Said Miyo. "Yes, the marbles are on the first floor, the place where kuga cage." Said me as both of them nod then we heard an alarm "The hunter house is open! The hunter house is open!" Said the robot then the light went out. "Flame." Said me as the fire appeared on my hand. "Thanks CM." Said Miyo and Gai at the same time as we walked. "Guys we should go the the third floor first, if we go the the first floor where the hunter is we will be doom, so you guys agree?" Said me to them. "Okay." Said both of them as we walked to the third floor.

After we arrived, we heard something "gotcha! here's my hand don't leg go of it okay." Said Lonky. "Guys I will dissapear the fire okay because the light is about to turn on said me whispering to Miyo and Gai. " Okay." Said both of them as I dissapeared the fire on my hand "emergency power activate." Said the sistem with the light turn on then lonky screaming and jumped to Gai. I chuckled a little, "Lonky, get of me now." Said Gai with not happy tone. "Come on." Said Miyo "Let's get out of here this place sure is scary." Said Popo

CG pov~
"What, Creepy and scary." Said me before I clear the hologram picture. "Hey it's not that creepy, it's cool okay!" Said CM on the hologram. As I heard what she said I felt so happy because this was the first time people said to me. I decided not to clear the hologram picture and continue the looked at it.

CM pov~
After 2 minits finding the marble, "no marble on this floor, I don't get it." Said Popo "Maybe that thing is broken, try to turn off and back on." Said Gai as me and Miyo heard some bell. "Ssshhh! you heard that I thought I heard something." Said Miyo as we looked the direction where the sound came from. We all run than hide, we thought it was Kuga but we were wrong, it was Liu and Pala.

We decided to go there and they talk about the bell hunter and the marble were. I decided to get away slowly away from the group and hide. "Finally get away from the them now, Invisible." Said me as I turn invisible.

Liu pov~
When we talking about the hunter bell and the marble, I just notice that CM isn't here. "Guys do you know where CM go?" Said me to them as they look around no sigh of her. "That weird she was here a minit ago." Said Popo. "So should we go where the marble are?" Said Miyo "oh okay.. then let's go." Said me with not happy tone. 'Where is she she was here a moment ago.' Said me in my mind.

CM pov~
I follow them where the marble were. As I saw Liu found the marble. "That's mine Liu!" Said Popo and my feelings feel like I need to beat Popo up. Then everyone except Liu surprised, Liu looked curious and looked the deraction where they looked and he saw Kuga above him. As Kuga landed on the ground everyone scatter and run, with me looking at them like watching movies 'Well this is fun watching like this.' Said me in my mind and enjoying watching.

(Hello so I decided to edit my Reader CM character and this is what's it looked like.)

(I hope you guys enjoy the story bye~)

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(I hope you guys enjoy the story bye~)

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