Before the Champion Race

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CM pov

I was sleeping on the bed, then I woke up because of the alarm. I checked the time was 6 clock in the morning, I went to the bathroom to get shower, wear the school uniform, had breakfast and prepared everything I need to go to school. The school was pretty far form the house. I lived alone, didn't have a friend and I like crafting stuff like make a camera watch. Since my house is far from school I decided to go by bus. "Omg i'm so bored, what should I do now... Wait I know I can watch movie but what movie? " said CM. I sighed and I saw my phone to see a new movie called Running Man Animation. I watched the movie, until I have reached the school.

After school~~~~~~~~~
As usual I went home with a bus. Before I went home I saw a bakery selling a cake. I went there and saw my favorite cake there. "Sir how much was the blueberry cake sir? " asked CM "It's 50 dollar miss" answered by the owners "Okay, wait a minute I need to check my wallet. " said CM. She checked her wallet and counted the money to pay the cake. "Here you go sir. " said CM while giving the money to the owners "Thank you, here the cake" said the owners while giving the cake to CM. After that she went back to her house went to the bath room showering, washing her clothes and then put her stuff back to the place before. She put the cake on the table, took a spoon and a knife. She cut the cake into 8 pieces, she ate 1 piece of cake than the rest she put on the fridge. "What should I do now? hm.... *yawning" I think I should head to bed." Said CM. She went to her room and went to sleep. While she was sleeping a white portal opened in front of her until she wake up "hm...?" she went of her bed and she was surprised "What the why there is a portal there!?" While she said that the portal sucking her "Oh no... AAAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed and she got sucking in the portal, the portal closed. She was flying like she was in space she looked around with confusion and scared "Where am I!?"CM ask with scare and confusion " You are in my body my dear." She heard the sound and looked at the direction where the sound from and saw a monster. "Who are you!? What do you want from me!? " Said CM "I'm God name Ulcus, I'm here to summon you to this world where human didn't exist and I want you to help us to make the world lived peacefully." Answered Ulcus "Okay.... but why do you chose me? Why didn't you choosed other people?" asked CM "Because you are the person that we need to make our world lived peacefully. And now I will send you to my world now." Said Ulcus "Wai-" before CM talked she was turned into an orb and was sent to the world where they call Running Man Animation.

Running Man Animation x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now