Before the game started

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CM pov~
I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning then I get of my bed, went to the bathroom with Victoria showering and wear a different dress.

CM pov~I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning then I get of my bed, went to the bathroom with Victoria showering and wear a different dress

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(The picture it's not mine)
I put Victoria in the living room while I was cooking a food, I didn't notice that my door room was open. The food that I cook was SUSHI our favorite food.

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(Also not mine, CM cook a 4 pact for each of them

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(Also not mine, CM cook a 4 pact for each of them. CM make a lot because most of the food will be eaten in afternoon and night time or for snacks)
After I done cooking, I heard someone "hhmm~ what that smells, it's so good." Said the mystery persons. When I look at the door it was.... Lonky, then Pala, Popo, Gai, Miyu, Kuga and Liu. I was surprised that everyone was here, I notice they all woke up because of the food smell that I cooked "Uumm CM, if it's okay we can have some food to pls?" said Liu "Oh.. It's okay you guys can have some." Said me without thinking long. They went to my living room, I gave them the food and they start eating while was sitting on the floor and start eating it. "WOW! the food is so delicious!" Said Liu and the other nod "Thank you guys!" Said me while blushing. "I didn't know that you can cook CM." Said Lonky "Well I learn cooking at the age of 10 because I want to help my parents." Answered me to Lonky. "Oh I just notice, how can you have another dress?" Said Miyo "Well this room was bought by me so all the dress also from me but there a lot kind of dress that I made." Answered me to Miyo. After they done eating, I took the plate then washed them. I show them my bed room, dressing room, bathrooms and the gameing room. "Wait did you make this device, What it name?" Said Liu with a sparkling eyes 'Omg he is so cute.. ' Said me in my mind then I snap "Oh it's call computer I made by myself." Answered me to Liu with a little blush. "CM, your room is so cool!" Said Popo "Thank you Popo." Said me with a soft and warm smile that make everyone 💘 especially Liu who was blushing like tomato and he was broken because of it. "Liu~, hey Liu~, are you there say something." Said Lonky then wave his hand to Liu. "I think you broke him CM." Said Popo "what should we do, the game is about to start." Said me with panicking a little.

(Okay this I made the part of the first on that people is going to CM room. And talking about something)
Liu pov~
Will a was sleeping with Mr.Stuitcase, I smell something delicious until it woke me up. 'What this the smell is so good' said me in my mind then I followed the smell it leaded me to CM room when I was there the other appeared 'so they smell it to huh' said me in my mind. "Hhmm~ what that smell it's so good." Said Lonky at the same time I looked at him. When I looked back to the room everyone notice that CM looked at us with a surprised face. "Uumm CM, if it's okay we can have some food to pls?" Said me with the other looked at CM too. "Oh.. It's okay you guys can have some." Said CM. We went to her living room and she gave us the food, we ate them and it was so delicious. She showed us the her bed room, dressing room, bathroom, and gaming room. (I will skip most of the part because I'm kinda tired sorry about that TVT) "CM your room is so cool!" Said Popo "Thank you Popo." Answered CM with a soft and warm smile. When I saw her smile, my heart beating faster and my tummy was butterflying, until I was blushing like a tomato and broken.

CM pov~
"What should I do?!" Said me with panicking a little. "You can kiss him so he will wake up." Said Lonky. "No I will not doing that." Said me will blushing, then an idea came in my mind "I know what should I do!" Said me "Oh what is it?" Said Gai "You will see." Said me and I whispering something to Liu that make him snapped from his thoughts. "WAIT WHAT!?!?!" Said Liu with screaming and blushing more. The other was curious what I said whispering to Liu while I was giggling what I said to Liu

Liu pov~
When I was broken, I saw CM going to me "Hello there~ my cutty~ future husband~." Said CM whispering to me when I snapped from broken. "WAIT WHAT!?!?!" Said me with screaming and blushing more. 'I can't believed it what she said to me. It's so... Ahhh' said me in my mind.

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