Chapter 10 - Recovery and Bad News

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Back again with another part of this shit. Just wanted to say that if you aren't sure how to say Glas, it's pronounced like the word gloss. Just thought I'd mention that just in case.

Right let's get started.

IF woke up and was immediately confused as to where she was. She sat up and looked around. Hold up, it was coming back to her now. If she remembers correctly, after the whole situation.....


Connor walked back to the others.

"How's Neptune and the others?" B-Sha asked.

"Noire might have had the worst of it, but she should be fine. They'll be grand, just give'em time." He answered.

IF and Linda were next to Connor, making sure he wasn't hurt.

"I hope that hole in your hoodie is the worst that happened to you." Linda said, her voice full of worry.

Connor's head snapped to her.

"Me what?!" He shouted as he took his hoodie off and looked at it.

He was looking through it at IF.

"Mother fucker!" He cursed loudly. IF laughed.

He felt someone tap his arm. He looked to see Plutia now awake and looking up at him.

"I could fiiiiix iiiiit for yooouuu." She offered.

Oh yeah, forgot she's good at that sort of thing.

"Ya sure? As long as it isn't an issue Plute. Don't want to be botherin ya after all this. I know ya just went through a fight so you're probably knackered." He said not wanting to bother her too much.

"It's fiiiine, I'd be haaappy toooo." She said and without another word she took it.

As she walked to his house to do her thing, the girl with the staff and the witch hat approached him.

"I don't believe we have met." She said extending her arm out.

"Don't think so. Connor Murphy. What's the craic." He introduced himself shaking her hand.

"A pleasure meeting you Connor. My name is Mages. and if you haven't guessed, I am a mage that is well versed in magic." She introduced.

"Mages, sound." Connor said.

She frowned a bit. Connor wasn't sure why.

"No no, not Mages, it's Mages." She said as if there was a difference.

"See it's spelled M.A.G.E.S with a "." At the end. Mages."

"..... Yeah you're still sayin it the same."

"I..... Nevermind. It's nice meeting you Connor. I must be going, my hunt for that drink is still going on." She said as she walked off.

Connor watched her leave.

"Huh, weird. Not the worst I've seen or heard though."

After a while all the excitement was pretty much over. The other candidates showed up to see their sisters and were relieved to see they were alright although Uni pretty much refuses to leave her sister be.

While they were worrying about them Compa had been called to the hospital to help treat some of the guards that were hurt, Linda decided to go home and leave everyone be and IF.....

She was currently standing next to Connor, her arms wrapped around one of his. She wasn't going to say it, but it was clear that she was at least a little bit scared.

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