Prologue : 000 : Where It Started

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This white space is empty.

So, so empty.

To the point that it's driving you insane.

And it's very quiet.

Too quiet.

The only sound you have heard since arriving were your own footsteps, and...

Nothing. There was no other sound at all. Not of the wind, animals, people, ridiculously loud vehicles. Not even the sound of your breathing nor your heartbeat.

It was just silence.

'Odd,' you thought.

Why would hear your footsteps while you can't even hear your own breathing and heartbeat? You can't feel it even though you placed your hand to your chest, to where it was supposed to be. But there was nothing.

How was that possible?

You've never heard of a living organism not having a heartbeat. 

Sure, you've read your fair share of stories where there's one character who does not a heart nor it's beat. But that character usually is a living corpse, undead, a zombie.

'But that means—'

That's right.

Your walk came to a stop when you suddenly heard a voice. You turned your head to find where it was coming from but you did not see anything.

Oh. You can finally hear me. Hold on.

You opened your mouth to ask what the voice was talking about when all of a sudden, everything around you changed. From the dull white space, it turned into a rather small room. There was a bed, a closed window with curtains draped over it to prevent the sunlight getting inside.

It was obviously a bedroom, if you couldn't tell from the bed placed at the very center of the room against the wall.

You turned around when you heard the sound of keyboard keys/buttons being pressed. And behind you was someone sitting on a chair in front of a computer. They seemed too focused to notice you, so you silently walked towards them, careful to not make any noise.

But just as you were about to take your third step—

"Do you like games?"

The person asked before they turned around to face you, and you were met by the face of a young child that couldn't possibly be more than the age of 10.

"Are you assuming my age right now? I bet you think that I'm still 10 or something. It's not nice, you know?"

Your eyes widened when they spoke again. Not because of their accurate guess of what you were thinking, but because of the sound of their voice. They sounded like multiple people speaking at once. Their voice sounds so distorted but somehow you could hear words so clearly. How did you not notice it the first time they spoke? And how was that even possible...?

"Huh? That's should be able to hear a voice that's suitable for this body..." They said as they jumped down from the chair that was almost twice their size before approaching you without any hesitation.

You had the urge to step away when they did that, but resisted it and stayed to where you stood. This child could be planning something once you do for all you know.

"...who are you?" You asked them warily while they faced away from you, holding their throat and let out sounds as if testing their voice. Or maybe that was what they were doing in the first place because they stopped when they heard your question.

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