Chapter : 008 : A Dream

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"Yo, is Kathy not with you?"

You paused in the middle of putting your things back inside your bag when a classmate of yours approached you with a question. You recognized him as Kathy's cousin, and also one of your few close friends. ​​​​​​

"Ah, she didn't tell you?" At the shake of his head, you let out a sigh, "You're in big trouble, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not in—" he paused when he saw the deadpan look present on your face, you could practically feel the gloomy aura that surrounded him, "I don't even know what I did though?"

Only letting out a laugh as if telling him 'you're on your own, goodluck lol', you resumed with packing your things and closed your bag when you were done. You froze when you noticed that he was still there, only watching your movements like some sort of creep.

"...King, why are you looking at me like that?"

The now known King jumped when you spoke, making you raise an eyebrow at his weird display.

"S-sorry...just lost in thought," he muttered lowly as he glanced away from you, only making you more confused with his behavior, "A-anyway! Did you finish the recent archon quest? You know, when the Balladeer..."

You noticed the way he trailed off in an effort to not accidentally spoil the game's storyline to you, which you appreciated greatly and gave him a smile, "I just finished it during the break earlier. Can't wait to pull for Scara—Wanderer, rather."

"I thought you hated—" "What's taking you so long? Hurry...up."

Before King could finish his sentence, a feminine voice was heard from the entrance of the classroom. When you and the boy realized it was Kathy, one of you had a horrified expression present on the face.

"Kathy! I'm already done, I was just chatting with—"

"Hmph!" You just stared at her with comically wide eyes as she unknowingly cut you off and basically looked at her cousin like some kind of worm, "I thought you died inside some random ditch. Wait, maybe you did but just got resurrected like some immortal bacteria."

"What did I even do to you..."

You looked at King, he looked like his spirit was about to jump out his body while his cousin was looking at him like he had killed her favorite pet when she heard him mutter those words. You don't honestly know how she heard him when you were in the opposite sides of the classroom, but okay.

"How dare you forget what you did! You opened my account and logged out near the Pyro Cube! All my precious characters died because they were on life support!"

"What?! Why would I do that?! I don't even know your email, let alone your password! How in the world would I do that??"

...Now you feel kinda bad. You sort of remembered it was actually you who did that, only remembering when she mentioned it... Well, to be fair, she should've never trusted her account with you in the first place because you'd just log out at some random place in the map. You even do that same mistake on your account...

"Sorry," you spoke up which successfully caught the attention of the two because their eyes were on you now, "King didn't do it. I just probably forgot to move away from the boss arena when I was about to log out..."

There was a pretty awkward silence in the air. It lasted quite a few moments, but was soon ended when Kathy's deadly glare was replaced with an expression that heavily contrasted what she looked like literally just a few seconds ago.

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