Chapter : 10 : Quinn

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He was reincarnated here.

It was some time after Zero, his best friend, had died during that car accident...he had died due to a heart attack.

He didn't want to die yet...not until he had finally given his friend's grave a proper goodbye.

He hadn't done it earlier because he was too in shock about the accident...he couldn't accept that his closest friend had died.

And just as he thought that he really was going to die...that everything would be over...a being came and made an offer to him.

"You'll meet them again...if you agree to be reincarnated."

King wanted to laugh.


That only existed in novels...but then again...the offer was too good to ignore. He'll have a chance to meet Zero again if he agreed to this being's offer.

And that's exactly what he did. He agreed.

King was then reborn in a world he knew all too well.


The place where the storyline of Genshin Impact had taken place.

He was reborn in a somewhat influential family that lived at Liyue.

And he was then given the name Hao Miaoyi. Hao being the family name and Miaoyi being his given name.

One might think that his name sounds...a bit girly.'s because he's been reborn as a female.

He was quite salty about it, to be honest.

There was a problem though...

He couldn't act like a real and proper lady even if he tried. And what's worse, was that he was the only...daughter of his mother and father...and the rest of his siblings were biologically born males.

Meaning, he was really forced to act like a lady by his parents. They made him learn how to write elegantly...walk like a proper the fucking chores... And if he failed to do those task properly, he'll receive punishments.

And it wasn't just light punishments like being grounded, no. He would be locked inside his room that had no windows...and he would starve there for two whole days.

It was...really unpleasant, to say the least.

The family that he had been reborn into was really strict. The Hao household valued the family's reputation and appearance rather than the well being of the family members themselves...

That's why...he decided to run away.

It wasn't easy though. The Hao household has a ton of security that it almost seemed impossible to escape. He almost got caught...but then a light before him appeared and materialized as a glowing glass ball full of elemental energy.

He knew what it was. It was a vision. An Anemo Vision.

He almost laughed. Anemo was given to people who are free or wishes to be free.

Well...he guessed that he would succeed now that he had received a sign in a form of a vision.

And...lo and behold. He actually succeeded in his escape.

He decided to head to Mondstadt and discard the name Hao Miaoyi and adapt the name Quinn. He made sure that no one would be able to recognize him...he even cut his hair and styled it like the hairstyle he had in his previous life.

He also dressed up like a boy. Binding his chest with bandages so that it would appear flat.

And for the past several years...he lived there peacefully with no one to recognize him.

That was until he heard news of strange creatures appearing around everywhere.

An adventurer claimed that he saw a flaming horse...another saw a humanoid creature with four arms...

He was shocked, confused, and anxious. This...never happened in the Genshin storyline. He would know, he played it before Zero did.

So...he went and tried to investigate all on his own. And to say he was flabbergasted was an understatement. He recognized the creatures as Pokemon...creatures that possessed supernatural abilities. Creatures that was clearly only supposed to exist in a game.

But then again, Genshin Impact was a game too-

So, he debated whether or not he would relay bits of information about the creatures to the Knights. Some Pokemons we're dangerous, after all...

He went and told Jean, Lisa, and Kaeya about the weakness types of the Pokemon.

At first, the three didn't believe him. Which of course, he understood. After all...the Pokemon only started appearing recently, could he know about it's weakness?

"I observed some creatures and I noticed how they behaved with specific elements. The creatures that had flame affinity does not like I thought that water is their weakness..." Was what he managed to come up with as an excuse.

Fortunately, they bought it.

After several discussions, Quinn exited the Knight's of Favonius HQ when he heard a frantic guard talking to the Spindrift Knight, Eula. The knight told her about a three headed dragon rampaging at Whispering Woods.

This made him worry a bit. He wanted to help...but he doesn't want to stand out.

Although he had a vision...he wanted to just stay away from the story line and only watch from the side. He doesn't want to be involved with it.

Not until...

"Who're you?"

That voice...he knew that voice. That was the very voice that he wanted to hear again.

He looked up, looking at the cloaked person standing on top of the stairs. Quinn felt his heart tighten...he wanted to cry.

But...he told himself that now wasn't really the time.

So, he forced a smile and introduced his new identity.

"Ah, hello. My name is Quinn, a pleasure to meet you."

He was more than pleased to meet you. Quinn was... ecstatic to meet you again. He wanted to run and hug you tightly...but decided against it.

Although he wanted to tell you straight up the tell you that it's him, King, you're best friend from the past....he couldn't. Now...was not the right time yet.

Even though it was against his inner self, he pretended to communicate as if he had no idea who you are. It hurt him inside...that you didn't recognize him. But that was least he had managed to see that stupid blank look on your face again...

He really missed that.




Ehe...sorry for the unexpected 4 month hiatus... (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I was doing several stuff irl...and...I got sidetracked reading some manhwa and watching anime...and playing Honkai Star Rail...

...yeah. I'm really sorry...

But! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter...this is just some kind of filler yeah...

At first, I wanted to make this detailed...but then I got lazy (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)


Well...anyway, that's all from me for now.


And I'm really sorry...

Dimensional Rift [Genshin Impact × Pokemon Crossover] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now