Chapter : 002 : Found it

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"...Where do you keep getting these?"


A sigh escaped your lips as Pidove placed the papers on its beak before staring up at you with interest.

It had already been a week since you saved the Pokemon from the blueish-white furred beast. After that day, Pidove would fly off to who knows where and would give you random trinkets that it had managed to find.

You previously said that having anything to write on would be a godsend because recording on the phone the Unknown Entity handed you would be a waste of its battery life and storage space. Pidove, to your astonishment, soared up into the skies and returned half an hour later with a quill pen, an ink jar, and numerous empty sheets.

You found out that it got them from someone when you saw alphabets that were unfamiliar to you, but still recognize it as one of Teyvat's written languages. It worries you that the Pokemon had likely stolen those, but everytime you would try to scold Pidove for doing such things, the Pokemon would just make a face that always somehow makes you feel extremely guilty.

Pinching the bridge of your nose, you just said, "...well, thank you, Pidove. I need these for recording data. I'm running out of papers already."

No. You weren't. You still had like a whole stack of it left unused because the Pokemon would just bring you more and more. No doubt stolen from a random person that is most likely wondering where all their papers went.

You only watched the grey dove-like creature took off into the sky again before searching your satchel for something that you recently got from the Pokemon. It was a map. It was new as well, so you concluded that Pidove either got it from a newbie adventurer or they found a traveling merchant and stole the first paper it saw that happens to be the map.

The second possibility was really unlikely though. And so was the first one, to be perfectly honest. Actually, you had no idea where or how the Pokemon got it.

Laying the map on the ground, you pulled out the quill pen that was stored on your satchel (that was somehow wasn't damaged) and proceeded to draw a circle with a question mark inside it at what you remembered to be the peak of Dragonspine.

The Entity suggested for you to go there, because maybe that's where the rift was located. But there was a ridiculously strong wind current that blocked the entrance leading to the peak of the mountain, making it completely impossible for anything to get through. Even a Ruin Drake would have difficulty getting through it.

And since you were not entirely sure of the rift being there, you just have to settle with a question mark for now.

You also crossed out the places you've been before but saw no signs of the rift being there, like where the Wyrmrest Valley would be and the Snow Covered Path—the place where you found the Frostarm Lawachurl.

Immersed in your own world, you almost didn't notice that Pidove had already returned until it proceeded to pluck the quill pen from your hands just to get your attention. As you were about to open your mouth to protest, you noticed that the Pokemon hadn't brought anything today. And it was quite visibly distressed about something.

"What's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost..."

The Pokemon only let out agitated chirps as it flailed it's wings frantically before taking off into the air. When it noticed that you weren't getting it's message, it bit into the fabric of your cloak before tugging it. Just then, you realized that it wants you to follow.

You stood up from your position on the ground, and before you could even ask as to why Pidove was acting so strangely, it immediately flew. You quickly went after it, thinking of possibilities as to what in the world was going on.

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