Chapter : 004 : Before the Storm

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"Do you know what this is?"


Yue couldn't help but feel uneasy when you called them on your own. They were going to tease you about it at first, but when they saw your face—

"I have cracks on my face. Cracks. And there's a Hydreigon on the loose. Misery is an understatement." you said as you raised your hand to touch your face, feeling the cracks on your skin.

Back at the Starglow Cavern, where the Dragon Pokemon attacked, you fell face first on the ground as those debris fell on top of you. So when you heard those cracks coming from your body, it wasn't your bones. It was your face, and it wasn't the only part of your body that had cracked.

You closed your eyes as you inhaled a deep breath before exhaling it loudly. Yue could feel the question "why" being unsaid before they themselves let out a sigh, "yeah, you need an explanation."

"Yes. Yes, I do."

"You died and became a spirit," they said frankly as you raised a brow at their vague sentence. When you were about to question Yue of what exactly their point was when they continued, "and bringing your body to Teyvat would be nothing but trouble. Remember when I said about the Sustainer?"

"...that she can't interfere with our plans because you have your ways to make her not to, right?"

"Yes exactly. Do you wanna know?"

Your eyes widened at their sudden offer. Is Yue seriously going to tell you, just like that? Isn't it like a secret or something? Why would they be so willing to disclose that, especially to someone like you—

"I'm gonna stop you right there," they said sternly, interrupting your train of thoughts. You simply blinked at them when you remembered they could exactly read what's on your mind, "it's no secret I'm trying to hide. I just didn't mention it because you didn't ask me."


The both of you talked until you heard Lefteris heading towards where you were (you were at the foot of Dragonspine), and you let out a hand for him to land on. (You figured out the Pokemon was a he)

"Hey there bud, you must be tired," you gently coo at him while stroking his feathers, and he leaned in to your touch. Yue immediately ended the call when you heard hurried footsteps heading straight at you, "and you brought company."

"I can see them! Over there!"

You pulled your hood over your head as you heard Paimon's voice, and both her's and a familiar blonde's figures came into view. Judging by the girl's expression, she wasn't pleased about something and you may or may not know.

Paimon was the first to reach you, and she didn't hesitate to open her mouth to yell accusations at you while you looked at her with a deadpan, "how could you do that to Paimon?! She was just being worried about the Traveler when you attacked Paimon out of no where! What kind of person does that!?"

"You were getting annoying, so I silenced you," she let out a sound akin to annoyance and disbelief when Aether finally reached the both of you, and you can't help but eye his long blonde hair that was free from its usual braid. His hair is just so beautiful and you had the sudden urge to touch it, but of course you didn't because you have a bigger fish to fry, "I know you have questions. Ask them right away then, I'll try my best to answer them."

He was holding unto his knees trying to catch his breath as he processed your words, and when he did he immediately whipped his head up to you. You worried about him getting a whiplash with how fast he did that until he asked the question you least expected for him to hear.

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