Chapter : 001 : Encounters

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"Hey, have you heard?"


As a blonde-haired boy approached the gates of the city situated in a lake, he noticed two people dressed in green standing at the top of a small flight of stairs going to one of the city's elevated areas, discussing in hushed whispers. They don't appear to be too discreet with their conversation, as the blonde could hear them even though he was still at the city's entrance.

A fairy-like white-haired girl, that has an appearance of a child, materialized beside him. He tried his best to not be obvious that he was surprised by her sudden teleportation, though the sudden stiffness of his shoulders said otherwise.

"What are those two doing in front of the Adventurer's Guild gossiping...?" She murmured quietly but loud enough for him to hear, "Ugh! Can't they see that there's other adventurers who wanted to talk to Katheryne right now? How annoying!"

Paimon was the name of the fairy-like girl. While fishing out on the sea to get some fish, the boy managed to pull her out of the water. It was an unusual way to save a drowning person, but he did it. He couldn't imagine what might have happened if he hadn't gone fishing that day... Would she drown and die? Probably. But why was she drowning when she had the ability to fly—?

"That's it! Now Paimon's mad! Are they really not gonna bring their talk somewhere else? We need to do our commissions for the day!" She said as she angrily stomped her foot at the air with an angry pout on her face. Though he was sure no one would take that face of hers seriously given her size, if anything, she looked like a child having a tantrum, "Traveler, what are we supposed to do if those two are blocking the reception of the Adventurer's Guild?"

The boy addressed as the Traveler looked at his white-haired companion straight in the eyes and answered with a very flat tone, "We could ask them to move somewhere else."

"Huh. Paimon never thought of that! Let's go do that then!"

She then flew up towards the two green-clad individuals, leaving behind the blonde with a hand on his face who appeared to be reconsidering his life choices. Nevertheless, he moved swiftly to catch up with her and stop any potential disruption she could have started. To be honest, Paimon is not the sort to get into fights. Though she was constantly finding ways to get him engaged in things he didn't want to be a part of.

"Are you serious? You saw a flaming horse at the Whispering Woods?" Said a glasses-wearing male with tea-green colored hair, confusion and skepticism clearly written on his face, "Pallad, did you happen to eat a strange looking mushroom for you to be seeing absurd things out in the forest?"

"What—no, of course not! I'm telling the truth, Gerald! I did see a giant flaming horse running around the forest! As if they were running away from something," the brown haired individual said frantically, with wild gestures of his hands in an attempt to make his fellow adventurer believe of what he saw. He failed in doing so, judging by the unamused look on Gerald's face, "Not only that, but I also saw—"

"What are you talking about?" Pallad was stopped by Paimon's high-pitched voice. "It's probably extremely serious for you to be blocking the Adventurer's Guild's reception, huh?" she said, with her hands placed on her hips, like a mother scolding her children.

"You really woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh? Why are you being so sassy today?" The Traveler said to Paimon as he reached to where they were. Paimon let out an offended gasp, but she was ignored by the blonde, "But seriously, what are you guys talking about?"

"Honorary Knight!" Pallad exclaimed as soon as the blonde finished his sentence. The boy could only smile awkwardly at the brunette while the other looked at him with stars in his eyes, "You wouldn't believe what I saw! A flaming horse!"

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