Chapter : 007 : Things that might give someone a headache

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Before we start, lemme just drop this fanart by kaya_insta16 on Instagram! Check them out, their art is so amazing!

Before we start, lemme just drop this fanart by kaya_insta16 on Instagram! Check them out, their art is so amazing!

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You have absolutely no idea how it happened.

The last thing you remembered was being coddled(?) by Hydreigon back at Whispering Woods and the next thing you knew you were standing in Jean's office, comprehending what she just said and declared.


The Acting Grandmaster cleared her throat and repeated her words, "I am granting you the title of "Beast Tamer", as a reward for calming the three-headed dragon from its rampage. Of course, that's not the only thing you'll get as compensation—"

"That's—" for the first time in a while, you were absolutely at a loss for words, and your mind went blank from overdrive. So you just settled with, "fantastic."

The urge to slam your head against the wall was strong. But you forced yourself to mask your embarrassment with a look of indifference so you wouldn't dig yourself a deeper grave.

"I'm glad you thought so," she offered you a smile, and you had to squint your eyes because holy— the sun is right in front of you, "If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to approach me."

"Right. So umm, I'll see you around, Je— I mean, Master Jean," and with that, you stood up from the rather comfortable seat and (rather awkwardly, one might add) made your way out of Jean's office whilst waving the woman goodbye.

When you exited the door, you were face to face with Rapunzel. A gender-bent Rapunzel.


The message behind that one word made Aether fidget nervously under your burning stare. The stare-off continued for a couple of moments before Paimon spoke, and he had never been thankful for her inability to read the room.

"Hey! You owe an apology to Paimon!" She said, placing both hands on her hips. There was a scowl on her face, but with her size, you couldn't really take her seriously.

"And why do I owe you, exactly?" You feigned a confused expression when you turned your eyes away from the blonde male (you missed the way he sighed in relief) and directed them towards the silver-haired child fairy-thing.

Said silver-haired child was extremely annoyed by your words, and she stomped her feet in the air before pointing at you like you've done the most horrid thing in the world, "You hit Paimon! How dare you forget that!"

Aether could only watch the two of you interact with hidden amusement.

"Oh? Did I really?"

"That's it! You deserve an ugly nickname! From now on, you're Crackface!"


You slapped a hand to your mouth to prevent the laugh that was about to spill out, which shocked the Traveler because— oh wow, so you could laugh.

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