Chapter Two

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Oliver tossed a rock. "Okay, so how long do we wait for them to come back?"

Van shrugged and looked at his watch. "We'll give them another hour, if they aren't back by then we'll go look for them."

"And if the Alliance is there and they've been captured?"

"Then we're in some deep shit," Van answered.

Oliver sighed. "First mission out and we went against orders and lost my sister and the Colonel. This is gonna look great on my resume."

Van grinned. "You get used to it after a while. Hey, we get the job done."

"Yeah, you do. So, since we have some time to kill, wanna fill me in on exactly why the Colonel's brother hates him so much? No one has explained it to me."

Van tossed a rock at the one Oliver threw and knocked it closer to the DHD. "They're step-brothers and for whatever reason, Elias has decided every failure in his life is Mal's fault and he hates him. From what Mal has told us, he hated Mal pretty much from the moment their parents got married."

"Wow, that sucks," Oliver said and threw another rock.

"It does. Elias wants to blame Mal for every failure in his life and he's out to destroy him any way he can. We're sorta caught in the crossfire. He wants to separate SG-1."

"The guy seems like an asshole."

"He is." Van grinned at him. "Your sister punched him in the nose on the way to Atlantis."

Oliver burst out laughing. "She didn't?"

"Oh yeah, she did. He tried to kiss her and she hauled off and socked him one. Broke his nose." Van giggled. "It was great."

"I guess that explains why she threatened to kick him where it counts. I do wonder why she didn't tell me about it."

"Who knows, maybe she didn't want to worry you." Van grinned. "That man doesn't realize that if he keeps annoying her she's likely to castrate him."

"Knowing my sister, she'll do it too." Oliver grinned.

"Yup, I hope I'm there to witness it." The Gate powered up and he looked over his shoulder. "We better move or we're gonna get vaporized."

Oliver jumped up. "Good idea."

They moved back and both lifted their weapons, ready to defend if anyone other than Mal and Lee came through the Gate.

Oliver smiled when Lee, followed by Mal, came through the event horizon. "Welcome back, what's the news?"

"Nothing to report. From what we found the Alliance has never been there. The farmers aren't growing Kassa and they have no plans to begin growing it," Lee answered.

Van held up a hand. "Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this situation?"

Mal shook his head. "No, you aren't. This feels a hell of a lot like a set up."

"For what purpose?" Oliver asked.

"With my brother, we can only guess. Let's get back. Did you two find anything."

"Not much, some ruins. I took plenty of pictures," Van replied. "The writings are definitely Furling, but it appears to be a simple temple of some sort. Either the people who settled here built it to honor the Furlings or the Furlings built it and abandoned it for whatever reason. I'll know more once the text is fully translated."

"Okay, dial us home," Mal ordered.

Van began dialing the Gate.

Oliver frowned. "I'm not sure what your brother would gain from sending us on this wild goose chase. If we don't mention we went there, what does it accomplish?"

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