Chapter Three

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Lee opened the door and stuck her head into the room when Mal called for her to enter. "Hey, Colonel."


She stopped a few steps inside the doorway. "What are you doing?" She glanced around at the collection of boxes stacked in his quarters.

"I'm packing, what does it look like?"

"Sir, you can't honestly believe that Elias is going to have you booted out because of the fake Nesrin?"

He chuckled. "No, Captain, I don't believe he will."

"Yo, Mal, what is with all the boxes?" Van asked as he and Oliver stepped into the room.

"Well, as I was about to explain to the Captain, I've decided to move off the base. I think it's about time I had a place of my own."

"That's awesome. Now we can do tacos and tequila at your place one night," Van told him.

"We'll see," Mal replied.

"Come on, sir, don't you trust us not to trash your place?" Lee asked.

He indicated Van and Oliver. "Them, I trust, you ... ehhhh."

"Wow, I feel so betrayed."

Van broke into a rendition of Bon Jovi's You Give Love a Bad Name.

"Wow, really, Van?"

He grinned at her. "Yes, really. I thought it was appropriate."

"I think you should ignore them. Have you found a place yet?" Oliver asked.

Mal nodded. "Yeah, it's about twenty minutes from the base. It needs a little work but it isn't anything I can't handle."

"You bought a house?" Lee asked.

He nodded. "It's a little ranch. I don't need anything fancy."

"I feel left out. You guys both have houses," Van whined.

"Hey, what about me, I live in your building!" Oliver said. "You're the one who referred me to the place!"

"Right, sorry."

Oliver harrumphed and folded his arms over his chest. "Now I feel left out."

"Relax, Ollie, it's not like we're having secret parties without you," Lee told him with a chuckle.

"Great, this is fascinating. Either help me pack or leave so I can get this done," Mal told them.

Lee threw him a salute. "Yes, sir, reporting for packing duty, sir!"

"You aren't getting any funnier, Captain."

"That smile on your face argues that statement, sir."

He threw a box at her. "Pack the books piled on the table."

"Yes, sir!"

He gave boxes to Van and Oliver and told them what else needed to be packed and they got to work.

"You managed to pack a lot of stuff into this one small room," Lee commented.

"I've never lived anywhere but on whatever base I was assigned to. I've learned not to hang onto a lot of stuff. It makes it easier to move when I'm sent elsewhere. Now that I'm here I doubt I'll be moving anytime soon, it makes sense to settle in and get someplace off base." He looked around at the boxes. "Guess that means I can become a hoarder."

She laughed. "I don't recommend it, sir, it seems a bit untidy."

"It does."

"And if you became a hoarder there would be no place to have margaritas and tacos night," Van pointed out.

"Oh yes, because that is vastly important," Mal replied dryly.

"It is!" Van replied cheerfully.

Elias paced with his phone held to his ear

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Elias paced with his phone held to his ear. "I understand that but I'm telling you they knew!"

Rowen sighed. "I doubt they did, Albrecht. Why would they wait this long to throw it in your face? It makes no sense. If they had waited a week or two I might agree with you, but months? I'm sorry, but I think they're telling the truth on this one. Come back to the office so we can sign off on this. There is no sense you remaining there if there's no Nesrin to question. We'll figure out our next move."

"No, I'm staying here. You sign off on this. I want to find out what else they know. I need to speak to someone before I leave."

"Fine, don't make more waves, Elias, I'm having enough trouble as it is keeping you there. The President thinks you're on a witch hunt and he doesn't want you propagating some agenda of your own."

"I'm not! I'm doing my job. If the SGC is keeping things from us then we need to know! We both know SG-1 has put Earth in danger more times than should be allowed. They should have been separated a long time ago or booted from the program."

Rowen sighed. "Yes, I do but unless we have solid, reliable, proof they will remain where they are. Watch your ass, Albrecht." She disconnected before he could reply.

He shoved his phone into his pocket, spun and went to the elevator. In minutes he was back down at the door to the holding cell. "When was the last time Colonel Hughes was down here to see the prisoner."

"Earlier, sir," one of the guards answered.

"No, idiot! The last time before today!"

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand. Colonel Hughes has never been down to question the prisoner. No one has, General Carter was waiting for you, sir."

"You're certain no one was down here to question her?"

"Yes, sir."

He spun away without saying anything more. "One more stop," he muttered. He took the elevator back up and found his way to the lab he needed. "Dr. Breslin, I need to speak to you."

The scientist swallowed hard, darted a look around the empty room then scurried out into the hall where Elias waited. "Mr. Albrecht, how can I help you?"

"Information, Breslin, tell me about Nesrin. Has anyone questioned her?"

He shook his head vigorously. "No, sir. General Carter was waiting for the IOA."

"You're certain?"

He nodded again, his toupée waved with the motion. "I befriended several of the guards on duty. They're always complaining how boring the duty is because the only one who comes down there is whoever is assigned to bring food down to the prisoner."

He nodded and slipped the man an envelope. "Keep up the good work and I'll see that you move up quickly here."

"Yes, sir."

Elias left. He didn't feel any better than he had the moment Malachy told him the woman in the cell wasn't Nesrin. There was no way to prove his brother knew who the woman was, but he was certain Malachy knew. It would be like him to do something like this. He might claim he didn't care unless it affected his team but he knew his brother better than that. The asshole wanted to upstage him. It was always how things had been.

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