Chapter One

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Sam smiled at Mal as he came down the ramp from the Gate. "How was the mission, Colonel?"

He scowled at her. "Why don't you ask Dr. Collins," he grumbled and shot a look at the linguist.

"Doctor?" Sam asked.

Amelia sighed, and sent Mal a weary look. "I don't know how many times I can apologize, Colonel."

"Not enough," he muttered.

Sam held up a hand. "Does someone want to fill me in?"

Major Fischer shoved past Mal. "She translated the inscription wrong and we were nearly killed by several booby traps intended to keep out intruders. The Colonel is upset because he lost his sunglasses when he nearly fell into a pit full of some unidentifiable critters."

"I'm not upset about my sunglasses, Major, I'm upset because this is the sixth time in four missions she's screwed up a translation." He looked at Sam. "Find me another linguist."

"She's doing her best."

He shot his science officer a glare. "Don't you start, you were zero help with anything. You couldn't even figure out how to bypass the system that set the traps into motion."

She propped her fists on her hips. "Hey, this stuff is all new to me, there's a learning curve."

"Your learning curve is going to get us killed, Dr. Menken."

"Hey, that's not nice!" Amelia told him. "You should apologize to her."

He glared at Sam. "If my brother gets anywhere near me I will kill him for this. I want Lee, Van, and Oliver back." He stalked from the Gate room.

"General, isn't it time to consider allowing someone else to lead SG-1? I'm fifteen years that kid's senior and I have to answer to him, it's ridiculous," Fischer told her.

"Maybe you should have spent more time working toward promotion then, Major. Colonel Hughes earned his position as leader of this team and he will remain the commander. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"He's a good commander, he just needs to get used to us," Amelia offered.

Dr. Menken snorted."You're only saying that because you have a crush on him."

"I do not! You apologize, Asha!" Amelia snapped.

"For telling the truth? No. You spend half your time staring at him when he's not looking."

"Which is probably why you screw up your translations," Fischer added.

They began sniping at one another, trading insults.

"That is enough!" Sam yelled.

They quieted and looked at her sheepishly.

"Sorry, General," Amelia said.

"All of you need to figure out how to mesh as a team or I will replace you. If you can't work together it could get you killed out there. Figure it out! Dismissed!"

She watched as they left the Gate room. She held in a groan when Elias stepped into the room. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. Albrecht, I have work to do."

"I specifically told you to disband SG-1."

"You did and I followed that order. Captain Kain is now a part of SG-13. Dr. Walsh is with Dr. Jackson, assisting with translations. Dr. Kain has been transferred to Research Base Alpha. So tell me, what is your problem now?"

"Malachy is still leading SG-1," he answered.

"And what is your point?"

"That was the point."

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