Chapter Three

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Vala fired and ducked back into the doorway. "This is not what I had planned for today. I was thinking breakfast, some light reading, hitting the firing range, then lunch, maybe drop by your office for a bit."

"This isn't the time for this," Daniel grumbled.

She grinned at him. "Come on, Danny, you keep avoiding it!"

"Can we talk about this later when we aren't under fire!"

"All I ask." She darted out the door.

"Vala!" He cursed and went after her. "You ..."

"Shot them all? Yes, I know. Come on, there's no time to admire my handiwork, we have more baddies to dispatch." She skipped down the hallway.

Daniel shook his head. "That woman is one of the most annoying and amazing people I've ever known." He stepped over the body of one of the Alliance men and followed her.

" He stepped over the body of one of the Alliance men and followed her

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Halley crept down the corridor with Van behind her.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" he whispered.

"No. Nothing about this situation is good. Just stay behind me, all right?"

Van grumbled. "I feel utterly useless."

She chuckled. "You may feel useless, but you aren't and we both know that."

"You may know it but I'm not so certain."

Halley stopped and inched her way over to peer around the corner. "Stay back." She lifted her weapon and moved out around the corner.

Van took a step and froze when he heard gunfire. "Halley!" He darted around the corner. Ogden was on the ground and four Alliance soldiers were advancing on her. "Get back!" he shouted as he lifted his weapon.

One of the men chuckled. "Aren't you the little language man? We ain't afraid of you."

Van didn't respond, he simply fired. The moment the men were down he dropped his weapon and ran to Halley. "Halley, are you all right?"

She groaned. "No, Evander, I'm not. I've been shot."

"Okay, we need to get out of the middle of the hallway then we can take a look at your injury. The infirmary is down the corridor." He helped her up. "Let's go." He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her down the hallway and into the infirmary. "Sit down."

"Ow, damn the Alliance."

"Let's get you fixed up." He pulled her hand away from her side to check her wound. "It's deep but it looks like the bullet grazed your side and gouged a nice furrow in it." He grinned at her. "At least I don't have to dig a bullet out of you."

"Yeah, nothing says first date like a bullet wound." She winced as he cleaned the wound.

"I wasn't aware this was a date," he replied as he bandaged the wound. He wondered where the medical personal were. The infirmary shouldn't be empty, even at three in the morning. Someone was always here in case a team came back from off-world with an injury.

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