Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Who should Percy's love interest be? Or do you guys not want him to be with anyone? I can also create a brand new character if you guys want. Please comment here with ideas.

When all of the initiates are up and standing, Lauren and Four lead us down a narrow tunnel. The walls are made of stone, and the ceiling slopes, which makes meI feel like I am in the labyrinth again. The tunnel is lit at long intervals, so in the dark space between each dim lamp I stumble on a rock and bump into someone. I turn around and notice it's a Dauntless-born initiative and I immediately apologize. He smirks at me, making me blush slightly. I shake my head and move towards Tris embarrassed.

I looked up and noticed that the whole crowd had stopped, and our three leaders stood in front of us, arms folded. "This is where we divide," Lauren says. "The Dauntless-born initiates are with me. I assume you don't need a tour of the place."

She smiles and beckons toward the Dauntless-born initiates. They break away from the group and dissolve into the shadows. I watch the last heel pass out of the light and look at those of us who are left. Most of the initiates were from Dauntless, so twelve people remain.

Four addresses us next. "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor," he says. "My name is Four."

Christina asks, "Four? Like the number?"

"Yes," Four says. "Is there a problem?"


"Good. We're about to go into the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-"

Christina snickers. "The Pit? Clever n-"Before she finished her sentence Percy gently, but firmly closed her mouth before she said any more.

Four walks up to Christina and leans his face close to hers. His eyes narrow, and for a second he just stares at her. I slowly removed my hand sensing Four about to ask her something.

"What's your name?" he asks quietly.

"Christina," she squeaks.

"Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction," he hisses. "The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?" She nods.

"Your lucky your friend here was smart enough to keep you in line."

Four said gesturing to Percy before turning toward the shadow at the end of the tunnel. The crowd of initiates moves on in silence.

"What a jerk," she mumbles.

"I guess he doesn't like to be laughed at," Tris replied.

Four pushes a set of double doors open, and we walk into the place he called 'the Pit.'

"Oh," whispers Christina. "I get it."

'Pit' is the best word for it. It is an underground cavern so huge I can't see the other end of it from where I stand, at the bottom. Uneven rock walls rise several stories above my head. Built into the stone walls are places for food, clothing, supplies, leisure activities. Narrow paths and steps carved from rock connect them. There are no barriers to keep people from falling over the side.

A slant of orange light stretches across one of the rock walls. Forming the roof of the Pit are panes of glass and, above them, a building that lets in sunlight. It must have looked like just another building that we passed on the train.

Blue lanterns dangle at random intervals above the stone paths, similar to the ones that lit the Choosing room. They grow brighter as the sunlight dies.

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