Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When I woke up Four gave me a muff to eat for breakfast, He said we needed to hurryand leave, especially since he let me sleep in for a little. I quickly grab some clothes, which were a little big on me and changed.

After grabbing all our stuff we left the room to meet everyone else.

We climb the steps from the Pit to the glass building above it and run to the exit. We make it to the tracks before the train arrives. We wait for a few minutes waiting for everyone else to meet us here.

After waiting for about 5 minutes I heard a horn blaring.

‘The train’s here.” I mumbled.

“Yeah.” h agreed just as the train drove by. And because of how close we were to the tracks, it looked like if he shifted even an inch forward, the train would take his nose with it.

Four steped back, gently pulling me with him and let some of the others get on before we did.

I noticed Will and saw him hoist himself into the car with some difficulty, landing first on his stomach and then dragging his legs behind him. Four grabs the handle on the side of the car and pulls himself in smoothly like he doesn’t have more than six feet of body to work with.

I dont bother with the handle, instead, I just step onto the moving car like a normal person.

‘Piece of cake,’ I thought to myself.

I turned around and saw Tris jogging next to the car. She grabed the handle on the side. Al pickles her up, under her arms and lifts her easily into the car. Right after her was Peter and Christina.

“Feeling okay there?” Peter says, giving Tris a look of mock sympathy—his lips turned down, his arched eyebrows pulled in. “Or are you a little…Stiff?”

He bursts into laughter at his joke, and Molly and Drew join in. Molly has an ugly laugh, all snorting and shaking shoulders, and Drew’s is silent, so it almost looks like he’s in pain.

“Wow, amazing.”I drawled walking closer to them. “I wonder how many brain cells it took for you to come up with that?” I ask sarcastically.

“We are all awed by your incredible wit,” added Will.

“Yeah, are you sure you don’t belong with the Erudite, Peter?” Christina smirks. “I hear they don’t object to sissies.”

Four, standing in the doorway, speaks before Peter can retort. “Am I going to have to listen to your bickering all the way to the fence?”

Everyone gets quiet, and Four turns back to the car’s opening. He holds the handles on either side, his arms stretching wide, and leans forward so his body is mostly outside the car, though his feet stay planted inside. The wind presses his shirt to his chest. I look around and notice a sea of crumbling, abandoned buildings that get smaller as we go.

Tris asks Christina, “What do you think is out there?” she nods toward the doorway. “I mean, beyond the fence.”

She shrugs. “A bunch of farms, I guess.”

“Yeah, but I mean…past the farms. What are we guarding the city from?”

She wiggles her fingers at her teasingly. “Monsters!”

I roll my eyes.

“We didn’t even have guards near the fence until five years ago,” says Will. “Don’t you remember when Dauntless police used to patrol the factionless sector?”

“Yes,” I say. I also remember that my father was one of the people who voted to get the Dauntless out of the factionless sector of the city. He said the poor didn’t need policing; they needed help, and we could give it to them. But I would rather not mention that now, or here. It’s one of the many things Erudite gives as evidence of Abnegation’s incompetence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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